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Meet Sean Carson. He's your typical emo kid, wears all black, anorexic, and has trust issues. He has two younger siblings who are cherished by his parents while, he knows he's the mistake they never wanted.

He pretends every day at school, by none other than his ex best friend Aiden.
One day, something changes, and it's all Will's fault.


Sean's P.O.V

I stood up with my head down, attempting to blend into the wall as the bell echoed through the halls.

Once the classroom was empty, I slowly made my wat to the door, head still hanging low.

Before I could take one step passed the threshold, the front of my shirt was fisted at the base of my neck, I was then thrown into the adjacent wall.

I didn't have to look up to know who held me, it was always the same person these days.

"Hey there, haven't seen you all morning, you've been hiding from me?" He hissed on my face, spittle landing onto my cheek.

I cringed into myself but didn't answer, it wouldn't matter anyway.

A sharp pain to my abdomen enticed a hiss to slip passed my lips. Aiden grinned as pain contorted across my face, his eyes holding a sadistic glint.

My eyes began to water as he brought his free hand back and balled it into a fist. I began to shake as his arm came down in slow motion, connecting with my jaw in a bolt of electricity.

I gasped as my breathing stopped for what had to be a single second, but felt like years. He seemed to hit as hard as a bus, the wind leaving me breathless and convulsing for dear life.

I'm surprised my knees hadn't buckled in on themselves yet, that usually happens after the second hit. This onslaught continued for what seemed like forever, but my response was always the same.

A painful gasp here and there, but not a single word uttered, much to his frustration.

"Say something! Why won't don't you try to protect yourself!?" He yelled, annoyance dripping from his voice like venom from a snake's fangs.

I gave him a blank stare, blinking extra slow to irritate him. He exerted a low grunt and threw me to the floor, bring his teeth like a wolf on he prowl.

"I asked you a question Carson! You ought to know by now that I never ask twice."

His words barely registered as I squeezed my eyes shut. The whole time he'd been speaking, he brought his leg back and had begun kicking me in the stomach.

He wasn't really aiming for anything specific, it was more of an erratic type thing. Wherever his foot landed, thats where it landed.

With one last hateful kick, Aiden muttered how pathetic I was before stomping off. The only sound in the empty halls was the 'click, thud, click' of his steel - toed boots as he left the building.

A quiet echo emitted from the creases of rusted orange lockers to my right. Of I concentrated hard enough, I could almost feel the vibrations through the scuffed up, white tiled floor.

I remained on the very floor people walked every week, ignoring my cries for help every morning at exactly 7:26 am.

The very floor my blood once ran across one morning when I'd gotten close enough to kiss Aiden's shoe clad right foot.

The very same floor I'd curled up in the fetal position on, whilst trying to protect my head from a plethora of kicks, punches, and harmful words aimed at it.

I groaned, at least it wasn't as bad as the last time he got a hold of me. I skillfully stood up, adjusting my weight to my left side to ease the pain a little.

During our confrontation, my backpack had been thrown askew down the hall, papers strewn about the area.

Bending down, I winced a little as I began to gather all of my papers. I carelessly threw them back into my bag and zipped it closed, throwing it over my shoulder and shuffling towards the exit.

Once I was outside, I hobbled over to the right of the large building, heavily leaning on the creamed colored walls.

I speed walked towards the back and didn't stop until I reached the street marked 'Teacher Parking Only.'

Taking a left, I trudged for what had to be half an hour before coming to a halt at the edge of a driveway. I stared up at the small, cottage like building in dread, might as well get this over with.

I slowly shuffled to the door on the side of the building and took in a deep breath, placing my hand on the doorknob.

A/N: Wellz, there's the first update, what did you guys think? Questions, Comments, Concerns? Welps, until next time.

Kitten Marie out.

Everything Changed on a Tuesday (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now