Chapter Three: Thinking About You

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Here's another glorious chapter, I hope you enjoy it. This is dedicated to @Meepkittykat for being the first one to vote on chapter two. Thank you for that.

Kitten Marie out.

Chapter Three: Thinking About You

Sean's P.O.V


"I don't know what your intentions are, or if this is some sick prank, but I'll be damned if I just let you hurt me."

By the time I'd finished my rant, my voice had dropped to a whisper, and I'd slumped back into my chair. Everyone in the library was stating at me, some with pity, others with disgust, but I didn't care. I was tired.

I glanced up and saw himself staring at me in shock, it was then it'd dawned on me, everything I'd said. My eyes widened and I threw my hands over my mouth. I can't believe I just said that. I looked up once more and realized he was still staring at me, his mouth agape.

My eyes began to water as I shot up in the chair and gathered my things. I ran out of the library and down the hall to my first period class, leaving behind a still gaping Will.

I sat in fourth period anxiously waiting for the bell to ring, dismissing us for the day. Don't get me wrong, French is a beautiful language, but my teacher makes me want to fall asleep. This is French class, we should be talking about France or les Sacrée Coeurs, not what her bratty six year old drew on her wall.

A loud chime sounded, earning a heavy sigh from me. Finally, I could go home and get some well deserved sleep. Maybe this time I can sleep the rest of the day away without interruption.

After heaving myself from my designated seat, I returned the book I'd borrowed, I grabbed my bag and exited the room with haste. I attempted to blend into the oddly colored wall all the way to the school doors. I was about halfway there when I unintentionally ran into what I presumed to be a brick wall.

Excepting the facts that brick walls don't have hands, which means they wouldn't be able to hold me with big, strong arms. I stiffened and looked up, only to blush and look back down.

I'd ran into Will....again.

"S-sorry." I stuttered out, attempting to wiggle away from him.

He held on to me tightly, prohibiting my escape, so I tried to push him away. Considering how weak I am, that didn't work out at all. I decided to do the smart thing and just stand there.

"Hey, can we talk?" He whispered.

He seemed desperate for me to say yes. His eyes were wide and pleading, I could've sworn he was poking out his bottom lip in a pout. I couldn't help the small frown that inched its way onto my face when I felt myself giving in. I hadn't realized he'd discovered I wouldn't say no to him until he started dragging me back towards the way I'd just came.

Before I could think about protesting, he nudged his way through the crowd, earning himself a large amount of glares.

"Just let me stop at my locker really quick, then we can go." He threw over his shoulder, not even glancing back at me for a response.

He already knew I wouldn't protest....cocky bastard.

I rolled my eyes and followed behind him, not like I had much of a choice regardless of my opinion.

When we finally reached his locker, he out in the combination and pulled it open. He then proceeded to shove his bag in, reached in and tugged out a jumble of chargers. He slammed the metal door short and dragged me back to the front of the school.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

He flinched upon my question, up until now I hadn't spoken a single word. He paused to look down at me before continuing out the doors.

"I'm taking you to my secret place so we can talk without eavesdroppers." He said this as if it were the most normal thing in the world to be here talking to me.

He was acting as if we did this after school every day, almost like I was being silly to ask such a question.

"Why? I mean, where?" I corrected, blushing as I hoped I didn't come off as rude.

"To answer your first question, because I genuinely care, despite what you may think my reason might be. I didn't know you were being bullied, believe me, I would've stopped it a long time ago." He admitted, willing me to believe he was sincere.

I don't think I did just yet, this could possibly be a prank of some sort. Yeah, that's what this is. I mentally debated on whether or not I should play along or just ditch him now.

If I played along, then I could try to figure out what his game plan is and reverse it back on him. Then again, if I ditched him now, this could be one of this times where the person actually does care.

I guess it's settled then.

"Where are we going?"

He sent me the biggest smile I've ever seen on a person's face. His cheeks were puffed back against his cheekbones, giving them a more defined, pinkish look to them. His eyes sparkled and the corner of them crinkled up a bit.

If I was being honest with myself, I'd say he looked absolutely handsome in this single moment in time. I was almost tempted to take my phone out and snap a picture. Almost.

Since I'm not being honest, I'd say that that smile was way too big for his face. Not that it would be a bad thing for him if this were true, but-.

My rambling thoughts were cut off when I heard him giggle. Oh my gingersnaps, if laughter was made from gold, he would be the richest man in the world.

"We could go to a place by my house?" He said in the form of a question, rather than an answer.

I smiled to myself, giving him a nod to show my approval. As we continued to the school parking lot, he seemed to have an extra bounce to his step. Interesting.

"Sean meet baby, baby this is Sean. Please be nice to her, she's sensitive to judgement." Will said, causing my heart to palpitate in my chest.

A/N: Welps, there's your update. I really hope you liked it, I worked really hard on it. Wellz, until next time my beautiful Emo Friendz.

Kitten Marie out.

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