Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


   My eyelids fluttered open gentley as sunlight streamed in through my window. I immediatly reclosed my eyes as I felt a headache coming on. Beside me my alarm clock was blaring, but that seemed unimportant in my dream-like state. A few moments later, after I had woken up a little more, I couldn't handle the noise blasting it's way through my room. I groaned and rolled over, pressing the 'off' button clumsily. I opened my eyes once more and sat up slowly. My blonde hair cascaded down my back in a messy wave. I sighed and stood up. I grabbed a hairbrush and pulled it through my hair until it turned from a frizzy mess into it's natural silky state. I washed my face and found my uniform off the floor. I changed quickly into the black pleated skirt, knee-high white socks, crisp white shirt, emerald green tie and an emerald green blazer which had the schools logo threaded onto the left breast pocket. A green tank top is also available, but not something I chose to wear.

   My eyes flashed to the desk by my bed where my black choker lay. In the centre was a black jewel, a small silver cross dangling below it. I fastened it around my neck, as I had done every day since I was eight years old. The choker was a sign I belonged to the Collins family, when a girl turned eight she was given one. When a boy turned seven he would be given a black leather arm strap with the family jewel/crest on it. It was something only our race did, though other races had their own little ideas for this kind of thing. Werewolves had a tattoo to mark their pack. Mermaids had bracelets that could only be taken off if they were banished from their family. I don't know that much on other races, my kind don't tend to socialise that much, unless it's with each other.

   I smiled at myself in the mirror as I rolled up my skirt. I picked up my mascara and added it delicately. I added my eyeliner and a dot of lip gloss. I flashed myself a perfect smile, my straight teeth interlocking in a sharp bite. I won't lie, I'm not bad looking. My body is naturally very slim and athletic, I have curves in all the right places. I'm fairly small and delicate, but all of my kind are like that. Well, most of them anyway. Taylor is taller than me, but still not that tall compared to a lot of other people. I didn't eat anything, as I usually don't in the morning. Instead I brush my teeth thoroughly (I dislike yellow teeth) and rummage through my stuff on my coffee table and find my packet of chewing gum. I pop one in my mouth and put the rest of the packet in my pocket. I grabbed my bag and headed for the door.

   As I walked down the hall I tapped on Kat's door twice, lightly.

 "Meet me in the usual place," I called.

 "Ba, ba, ba," I heard sarcastic muffled sheep noises coming from Kat from her room and rolled my eyes.

 "Whatever," I yelled back.

   I carried on down the hall. Other students were flocking the halls either in small groups or on their own. Most people carried tired and drowsy expressions, with the few exceptions of those who looked happy to be learning or seeing their friends (probably to gossip about something or whatever). I moved with a spring in my step and a smile on my face. A few wolf-whistles were thrown my way, which I smiled at. I caught my image in a mirror and instantly compared the bubbly face I saw now to the timid face of the girl I used to be. This character was fake, but at the same time everyone loved someone pretty and postive. Everyone liked cool and fun. Humans were so shallow when it came to things like that. They were attracted to me like moths to a flame. Parents tell their kids to just be themselves, but everyone knows that will get you nowhere.

   "Hey Az," Waiting at the end of one of the corridors were two girls. The first was an asian beauty with long dark hair and deep eyes. The other a brunette with tanned skin and smooth curves.

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