This Woman's Husband

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Amber is hugging Nichole when the guards arrive and grab Amber.
Amber slaps their hand and let Nichole who is protesting sit down and comfort him.

"Just think that Mom is outside buying something."

"And that you will never get back?" Nichole eyes are full of tears and blaming. "Tell me you'll be back and I will let you go!"

Amber kisses Nichole and hurriedly went to the guards.
"You don't have to grab me! I will go with you." She said raising her head.

"No!" Nichole tried to grabs Amber's dress but the guards stops him.

"Prince, you have to stay here." The guards said.

Nichole uses his martial arts and the guard flips.
Everyone looks at thr fallen guard and Nichole try to break through but a hidden guard stops him.

"You!" Nichole eyes is blood thrist.

The hidden guard shakes his head.
"The King sent me to stop you, Prince Nichole, you have to calm down. The King is on his way to help the Queen."

"Lies! My mother said Dad wants to dispose of her."
Nichole who become a single minded head over heels in love with his Mom believes every single words that come from Amber.
If Amber says the enemy is his father then he believes he really am.

The hidden guard sigh and order the other hidden guards to appear. They have to stop the Prince rampaging or the enemies will know that the Prince is a well trained martial artist.

But Nichole also made a signal and his loyal hidden guards appear one after another.

The King's hidden guard want to sigh.
He doesn't want to risk his life for a family's misunderstanding.

"Prince! Wake up. The King is not your enemy!" The hidden guard said as he fend off with the Prince deadly attack.

"My mother's enemy is my enemy!" Nichole takes a sword and fight the hidden guard.

They have the upper hand.
Nichole is about to kill the hidden guard when Leonard appears.

Stopping Nichole's arm.
Nichole glares at his Father he worship all his life.

"Is it true? Did you really want my mother to die? Disposing her?" He said as he can't help quivering and tears fell down his pale cheeks.

"I told you never to let your emotion control you." Leonard let go of Nichole.
"Look at you. Is this how you treat me after all this years?"

"My mother...You'll protect her,right? She is your woman! She shares your bed! She gave birth for your son. You can't let her die. I need her!"

"Shut up! I need her too. No one's dying. No one is leaving. The Queen Dowager is trying to create chaos but she is hasty. It is full of holes. I can save your mother."

"Is that true?"
Nichole wipes his face and look up.

"I swear in my name." Leonard lools at Nichole and carry him. "When did you start loving your Mom over me? I have never left you, you fool."

"I-I'm sorry. Mom...she is crying. I...I fear she will never gets back. We..We started getting closer. She promise she will love me. I want to grow old with her. I don't want to live without her."

"Fool! And you showing your skills will help? You will expose yourself in more danger than helping your mother."

"What can I do?"

"Wait and watch as your father gets you your Mother back."

"What if you can't?"

"Im the King. All you can't do. I can do it."

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