how to be less jealous

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-think about why your jealous — is that why you don't trust them?

-focus on the good vs bad. if you focus to much on the bad your mind is just going to create more and more bad thoughts.

-talk to the person your jealous about. be honest with them about the situation and see if you can fix it.

-talk about it to a friend. get there opinion on the situation.

-try to stay off all social media

-when talking to them, avoid sarcasm. they could take it in a bad way and make the situation worse.

-if something true it happened then confront them. make sure that your calm.

-if it was a misunderstanding, give them freedom. and try to fix your trust issues.

-understand the reason your jealous.


jealously: feeling insecure that you are going to lose someone who was never really yours to begin with because if she/he was yours then he/she would never consider leaving you.

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