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She hasn't been back for hours. My blood tingles. Something could of happened too her, she's small and frail. She couldn't even pass for 15, I didn't want to loose her. We all sat on the couch by the fire. Clary and jace were stuck too each other, there lips working hungrily together with passion. Lauren sat in Connors arms quietly. He stood up and stretched his legs and arms.
" I'm going too find her ". Jasper said,stalking towards the coat rack.
" it's way too dangerous, you can get killed ". Clary says frowning " we don't need another one of us ..."
I cut her off
" she is the girl I love and I promise you I will find her "
Jasper looks at Jace who gives him a annoyed look
" fine man, I'll go too "

" and I ", Lauren said quietly

Clary just shook her head and wrapped herself in a blanket.

Jasper, Jace and Lauren made there way out of the cabin into the pitch black of night. Owls cooed as they walked through the woods. Jasper relaxed his muscles as he cuddled up against Lauren and Jace. It was freezing and he was lucky too be in the middle. He walked slowly with the others and stopped when he got too the cliffs.
Alice's yellow infinity scarf hung from the side, a spot of blood plastered next too it. Jasper's body Lunged to the edge. He grabbed Alice's infinity scarf tightly, bringing it up too his heart , like it was her herself. He breathed heavily and peered of the edge of the mountain scared of what this evidence might mean. He ripped his phone out of his pocket immediately typing her number in. He waited as it started ringing
He then heard what he dreaded most. The sound of her ringtone ring in his ears. He turned too Lauren
" can I see that flash light ? " he asks, his voice breaking.
Lauren immediately handed him the already illuminated tool. He stuck the light over the edge as he guided it towards the sound.
Jasper's hands covered his mouth as he realized what was right in front if him. A small hand held a black phone, that was playing a playful ringtone. The finger nails were painted with bright red nail polish. Just like Alice's

" ALICE!" Jasper screams. His voice shook with terror. Jasper found the lowest point of the cliff, jumping and landing on his feet. He ran too her. Alice's body was spread in a familiar position. He dove down too her and took her into is arms. He wailed as he saw her better. Her eyes were wide open with shock and her mouth was open as well. Blood leaked from her head and her face.

' why hadn't I just gone with her ' he wails with a frown. Tears spring from his wide eyes. He brings her body up too her ear and listens for a heartbeat

And he heard nothing.

His whole life was over.

Lauren had already had 9-11 on the phone, Jace stood there shaking. He could just imagine his sweet clary laying in his arms dead. His head shook trying too get the horrible pass out if his head.

-- 6 minutes later--
Jasper's ears were filled with the sound of sirens. The next thing he new his little angel was getting lifted into a ambulance. He climbed in with her and looked at the paramedics.
" is she ....gone " he mumbles

The paramedic looks at him with sorrowful eyes
" there's a extremely strong possibility ".

And that's when Jasper Whitlock cracked.

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