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This idea has been cooking for quite a while. I've been quite nervous about doing a book like this, but I made my mind up when I did a speech for assembly at school.

This isn't a novel, per se, but rather, a compilation of bits and pieces of my mind and my opinions on several topics that affect us as teenagers, and they may also affect the world on a certain level, and as such, I deemed it important for me to do a book about it. It is inspired by a myriad of personal experiences and those shared by my fellow classmates and Wattpaders.

It's called Pick Me Up for the sole reason for it being an inspirational book. It's SUPPOSED to make you think about things--like really sit and think, about this sort of stuff. It also makes you know that you aren't alone in the world. You aren't the only one that feels a certain way, or been through that situation. You're not the only one that met those people, and dealt with that BS.

I, as a person, also try to refrain from swearing, which is quite a healthy habit, so you won't be seeing those f-bombs that people tend to drop when they are speaking their mind.

This books contains all my opinions, and I'm not forcing you to accept my opinions. If you don't like my opinions, I am very sorry, it I am not going to change anything. If you don't like it, then don't read it. Don't leave a hurtful and derogative comment because I will simply block you, report you and delete your comment. It also contains *cough* some of my own *cough* personal *cough* experiences. (Anybody got a mint?)

Fair warning, all the content will be random, on the spot things that happened and I felt the need to write about. You may also see the occasional chapter solely dedicated to quotes. Yeah.

My dream is to impact the lives of teenagers and everyone as a whole, positively, and I intend on starting with this book.




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