You [Part One]

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So, this will probably sound weird, but, what are you? A carrot, egg or coffee bean?

[Your expression O.o]

Let me explain.

A carrot type of person is a person that, under a lot of pressure, begins to crumble. Sure enough, after a while, if you boil it long enough, that carrot will turn into orange tinged water.

That's a carrot.

An egg is a person who, under a lot of pressure and bad luck turns cold and hard. No feelings whatsoever. They just don't care.

That's an egg.

A coffee-bean type is a person that can be ground, and minced, and crushed and pressured and boiled, and the end product is probably one of the bed things on earth. A reviving, happy, bubbly predominant just brightens your day because that person knows how terrible life can be and wants to make it easier for everyone.


Looking at the content above, I want you to honestly answer me.

Are you:

° a carrot

° an egg

° a coffee-bean

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