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The moon shined extra bright that night. There was not one cloud visible. It was very peaceful.

On the contrary to the sky, the ground rumbled. Two wolves, one black as the night and the other white as the snow, ran through the same deep woods where they spent days chasing each other. However, they were not chasing tonight. In fact, they were being chased. Their body was tired from fighting all night, they had no idea if their family even made it out alive. They kept pushing on and on.

The black wolf had eyes that were as red as the blood seeping out from their broken skin. On any other day, the white wolf would look exquisite, its blue eyes as deep as any ocean, but tonight its fur was matted with blood.

Blood of its own.

Blood of the wolf running behind it, his one true love.

Blood of its family.

And the blood of its enemies.

Growls of the rouge wolves thundered through the trees. The sound made the lovers run even faster. Unfortunately, fate was not on their side that night for they had reached the high cliff, where they had spent nights loving each other, from where there was no going forward.

The wolves howled.

They howled in desperation, in longing.

The black wolf nuzzled against its mate, marking it with its scent. The white wolf whimpered. It knew what was about to happen. The wolves kept licking each other as the thundering footsteps came even more closer.

'I love you,' said the black wolf through their link, 'run-away love, run as far as you can. I will find you once all this is over.'

'No! You promised that we will be together. Always.' The white wolf whimpered even more.

It was clear from the dominance and the submission that the black wolf was the Alpha and the white was its Omega.

'There is no time, love. One of us has to make it out alive. I also promised you that no harm shall fall upon you till I breathe,' said the Alpha. Though he was bleeding profusely, he was an Alpha. It was his duty to protect his mate, his Omega.

The rouge wolves reach them any moment and neither of the lovers wanted to separate from their other half.

'Please don't do this. I'd rather die than live without you, my love. Please love. I beg this of you.' The Omega clung to its Alpha, it prayed to the Goddess, to let some miracle happen.

Deep growls resonated from behind the mated pair. The Alpha's eyes glowed red. He gave an aura of death. He growled, baring his fangs at the newcomers.

The rogues had had enough of chasing the lovers. They were ready to kill. They knew the only obstacle for their plans were the couple standing in front of them. They kept coming towards the mated pair, growling, blood dripping from their snouts mixed with their saliva.

A shiver ran down the Omega's spine. The sight was frightening but the Omega did not cower back in fear. Instead it took a deep breath and stood proudly beside its mate, strong and stubborn. This surprised the dozens of rouges.

An Omega was supposed to be weak. Apparently not this one. The thought aroused the rogues and the smell of their arousal drifted through the air. The Alpha growled deep sniffing the air. He was enraged at the thought of someone laying a hand on even a hair of his Omega.

The Omega was his. In this life and in the lives to come. He would make sure of that.

He turned back to his Omega and stood tall; his dominance thick in the air. This made the Omega weak in its paws.

The Omega and His AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now