Chapter 15 - Mixed Moods

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I searched around my apartment, looking through every nook and cranny there was. Where the hell did I put my necklace? I remember placing it in my bag but I don't really remember taking it out. I already searched my bag too but I couldn't find it anywhere.

I check under the couch but there was only dust. I checked the bathroom but there was only the usual stuff. In the kitchen, under my bed, inside my closet. It was nowhere. No matter if I double or even triple checked. It just wasn't anywhere! Did lose it at school? But, I don't think my bag has any holes it could fall out from.

Maybe I didn't tuck it in deep enough. I just hope I lost it at school. If I lost it outside, I'd have to declare it as lost since searching out there would take hours and I have work after school. Just in case, I did one last thorough inspection of the house but yet again, there was no sign of the necklace.

I let out an irritated sigh before heading back to my room. I grab my phone and bag before leaving the room. I take my keys and wallet before heading out of the apartment. I lock the door behind me and quickly made my way downstairs.

On the way, I checked the time to see I had about an hour left before school started. I chose to run to the bus stop just as the bus had arrive and quickly hopped on. Shit, I almost missed the bus. I don't think I would even make it to school on foot.

I take my seat in my usual spot and started staring out the window. The sounds of cars honking and furs yelling about did not help improve my mood one bit. I just wanted to go to school so I can find the necklace and then go back home with no worries.

I tried blocking out the noise but it seemed I couldn't do that since the sound was much, much louder. I'm not usually this irritated. The ride to school felt longer than it should've been. We did eventually make it there and I quickly hopped off the bus.

As I got to the front of the school, Jasper greeted me as usual. "Hey, Kotten. You look rather...angry", he says. "Angry? No, far from it", I tried lying. But with the face I was making, I don't think any amount of words could cover it up.

"Oh, well, okay", he says. From the tone of his voice, he didn't believe it but I appreciate that he didn't pursue it. I don't think I want to lash out on him. Anyway, we made our way to our homeroom.

As usual, we were the first ones to get there. Jasper sat down at his seat while I stood in front of him and started talking. "Did you remember to finish your homework, Jazz?", I asked him.

I've known him for about two months now and I know his bad habit of completely ignoring his homework. "Of course, muuum", he groans. He let's out a small chuckle after saying that. Although these things would annoy me with anyone else, I find it funny when it comes out from his mouth.

I couldn't help a small smile forming on my face. I flicked his forehead before letting out a snort. "Ow! What was that for?", he says. "For calling me mum", I say. He sticks his tongue out at me but I'm quick to retaliate. I grab his tongue with my fingers and the face he made was priceless.

"Don't go sticking yer tongue out at others or I'll ruin that purty mouth of yers~", I tease. A flush of red flashed across his face before I realised what I had said. I let go of his tongue before cleaning my fingers on my jeans. We both just stared at each other, too embarrassed to say anything.

"Um, anyway. You want to go to the movies this weekend?", I asked, trying to deflect the situation. Why did I even say that? I've never been very bold before. I mean, I was rather cocky in my youth but I wasn't really this particularly bold. He was rather silent for a few minutes.

"Well, sure. Does Sunday sound good? I'm rather busy on Saturday", he asks. "Well, I did say the weekend so sure", I reply. We talked for a bit more, not really having a direction to where the conversation was heading. Sometimes we talk about the gym, sometimes we talk about books.

It didn't matter as long as we had something to contribute to the conversation. For some reason, talking to him just confuses me for some reason. Not in the sense of what he contributes. Just being with him makes me feel rather... I don't know how to phrase it.

And I'm suppose to be smart. But, it feels so strange. It feels so wrong but at the same time, so, so right. I guess, to say, my stomach feels like its getting tangled while my heart beats so fast around him. Am I happy that he's with me? Am I afraid? No, that doesn't make sense.

I'm bigger than him so he should be afraid of me. I just don't understand what I'm feeling. The bell rings suddenly so I went to my seat quickly. Students flood the classroom just as I had sat down and quickly took their seats. One by one, the seats were filling. Even the one behind me. I don't know what happened between Jasper and him but I know it wasn't good.

The teacher arrives and started taking our attendance. Nothing really special at all. Just some announcements about this week and next week. I don't really pay attention at that point. Well, until to a certain point that felt rather different than the usual announcements we get during the entire school year.

"Next week, our class will be going to a camping site! Don't forget to get your form in front. Have them signed by your parents or guardian and hand them in by tomorrow. I'll give the list of required items to bring to those who will join!", the teacher says. A camping trip, huh? What a fun little activity.

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