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Marley doesn't know what to do.

He's never kissed anyone before. He's been homeschooled his entire life, the majority of his interactions being with the press or meetings with politicians. His father never payed much attention to him—outside of work, and his mother has pretty much always been busy doing something. Sure, they've had their moments, but for the most part he was left by himself.

Or, he would've been, if he could actually handle that. Marley doesn't like to be by himself, that's been established, so when he was growing up he tended to gravitate towards the castle staff. The maids, the cooks, his tutors...

Never really anyone his age. When he was 14, he had a minor crush on the garden boy, but that obviously died off quite fast—especially when the guy quit at the end of summer. Marley never even talked to him, he'd just sit in windows and watch the guy work. This is what made him realize his sexuality, but he's never acted on any urges because he hasn't really had any.

Until coming to 1-A, of course. Until he met the man currently lying under him.

What does one do after this? After they kiss a person that they believed to be beyond unattainable? If there's one thing Marley was sure of, it was that this would never happen. Marley and Nero? What a joke! That doesn't even make sense!

Nero's 20, and a boy, and hates Marley's guts! What the heck?!

"Hey, hey, are you alright?"

It's when Nero asks that, eyeing Marley with concern in his eyes, that something occurs to him. This can't happen! Nothing will come of it! Marley needs an heir, right? What if this got out? Oh no, if the media caught wind of this, their entire family would look bad. Allorn would fucking burn him alive.

Marley sits up, and realizes that he's just been staring at Nero for his entire internal meltdown. His breathing is a little fast, which is probably cause for the minuscule alarm on the man's face. All Marley can get out is, "this is really bad."

Nero inclines himself on his elbows, not helping the situation. Marley can't think when he's close! It's what lead to this situation in the first place! "How so?" The guy asks.

"You... I..." Marley's voice cracks, and he takes his hands away from Nero's face. He doesn't have anywhere to put them, so he just sort of rests them on Nero's abdomen. "Why did you do that?"

Nero frowns. "Did you not want me to?"

"No!" Marley responds too quickly, then realizes what that sounded like. "I did want you to! That's the problem!"

Nero looks even more confused, and Marley wants to leave. He wants to run as far away from this place as he can. He wants to go find a wall and bash his head into it until he can finally knock some sense into himself. Sadly, he doesn't think that will work. Nero isn't so easily forgettable, and this kiss is not going to leave his mind for a while... if ever.

"I'm confused."

"You hate me!" Marley cries, reaching up to run a hand through his hair. "You electrocuted me! You said I piss you off and you blacked out the building when you found out we were going to live together. You were plotting to kill me months ago!"

Nero seems to take pause at that, thinking over what Marley said. "That was before."

"Before what?" Marley replies, exasperated.

"Before you changed my mind."

Marley shakes his head, not understanding. "What? Last time I checked we haven't exactly gotten along."

"Seriously?" Nero asks. Marley just raises a brow and tilts his head up slightly. Nero contemplates something for a moment, then; "You think I'd just tell anyone about my past? Bren doesn't even know my last name. We share a bed every night. You're straddling me right now. I don't hate you, Marley."

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