~Chapter Eleven: Ice Baths~

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Sweat trickled down my forehead. It was game point for us in our final match of the day against Johzenji High. We managed to beat every single team we played against, even Karasuno with their special quick attack. It was a close game but we managed to finish on top, which was expected. Iwaizumi rolled me the ball to me so that I could serve. He then mouthed the word


It was our little bet if I didn't make the serve, I owed everyone ramen. I tossed the ball up high in the air and approached it. I jumped as high as I could swinging with all my might and hitting the ball over the net. It spun and dropped right in front of the end line. The line judge called it in. The whole crowd went wild. I looked at Iwaizumi who smirked at me.

"You're safe for this one, Trashykawa."

He said. I pouted.

"That's not very nice of you Iwa-chan."

I chirped back as we walked to our end line to thank the other team for the game. Iwaizumi laughed as we thanked the other team for the game. Coach pulled us into a huddle and congratulated us on the win. We separated and walked to the buses. I did have a strange interaction with Karasunos shortie and Tobio. But I brushed it off walked to the bus. I then sat next to Iwaizumi.

"Why were they talking to you?"

He asked curiously. I shrugged it off.

"I don't know. I think they were a little upset over their loss."

I said. He nodded. We continued to talk on the bus ride back to school. When we got there we gathered our belongings and then walked to the front of the school.

"Are we walking home today?"

He asked suspiciously.

"I'm sorry but I told Asuga I would walk her home today."

He grinned.

"Are you sure it's only a walk home?"

My face turned bright red as I stuttered out

"Y-yes it's just a walk!"

He laughed so I laughed with him nervously.

"Just remember dumbass, she's never going to say yes when you ask her out."

"Whatever you say Iwa-chan, have a good night!"

I said as he walked off towards the direction of his house. I scanned my surroundings and saw Asuga talking to her coach. I walked up to her.

"Yes Coach, I will make sure to work on that next practice."

She said as she smiled.

"Well speak of the devil, Oikawa congratulations on your wins!"

The coach said as she smiled. Asuga turned around and smiled at me while mouthing congrats.

"Thank you, coach!"

"Now stay safe you two!"

The coach said as she winked and walked off. Asuga looked at me and I smiled.

"How'd you guys do?"

She asked as she picked up her bag.

"We won all of our games! What about you?"

She smiled

"Same here, our hard work in practice paid off."

I smiled at her, suddenly an idea popped into my head.

"Asuga-chan, my sister's boyfriend is staying the night and I don't want to be over there while they are doing couple things, can I sleep at your place for tonight? Please?"

She looked at me like I was crazy. It was a long shot but I wanted to give it a try.

"As long as you sleep on my couch and not my bed, I'll let you sleepover because you are such a GREAT friend. Also, you better be comfortable with wearing your dirty clothing, unless you wanna wear a skirt home."

"It's okay I have some extra clothes in my bag!"

I said as I smiled at her. She laughed and we started to walk in the direction of her house.


As we walked, my sore muscles longed for an ice bath. I always took one every night so that I could properly recover from all of the activities I had done during the day. It was going to be awkward with Oikawa there though since he was a boy and I was a girl and you know how that goes. We passed a convenience store and I stopped.

"Oikawa wait out here while I go grab something."

He looked at me puzzled but nodded and stood next to the door. I walked in and grabbed two bags of ice. I put them on the counter and paid for them.

This should be enough ice for me tonight.

I thought to myself as I walked out of the store with the bags in each of my hands. Oikawa looked puzzled as we walked to the front of the apartment complex.

"Why do you need ice Asugie-chan?"

"Ice bath."

I said as we entered the stairway to walk up to my apartment.

"Do you take them every night?"

Oikawa asked curiously.

"Yeah, I need it since I constantly put my muscles and joints under stress all the time."

He nodded as we walked up to the fourth floor. We quietly walked down to my apartment and I placed the bags of ice down as I grabbed my keys. I unlocked the door, picked up the bags of ice, and took them inside. Oikawa turned on the lights and set his bag down on the couch.

"Give me a minute, I have to set these bags down and get you some sheets."

I said as I walked to my room. I walked in and opened the door to my bathroom, emptying both ice bags into my giant tub. This tub was perfect for ice baths.

And for a second person to join. Wait, did I just think that? Am I on crack?!

I shook that unholy thought from my head as I finished emptying the second bag of ice into the bathtub. I started to run the cold water in the tub then went to the closet in the bathroom to grab a blanket for Oikawa. I found one then walked out with it in hand. I saw Oikawa was on the couch with his phone texting.


I said as I threw him a blanket.

"Thank you!"

He said as he set his phone aside.

"You're welcome. Now don't bother me for ten minutes."

I said as I walked off to my room.

"Can I join you Asuga-chan?"

My eyes widened as I turned around to see Oikawa looking startled.


I asked. 

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