Part 1: my best friend

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"Mom...I decided that... I'm going to take a break before university," I tell my mom, scared of her reaction. I have been thinking for a long time now about what she will say after I tell her. I created so many scenarios in my head.


Shit...this is bad. What is my mom going to say? I shouldn't have told her. Maybe I should've just went to university this year. Ugh...She's probably thinking about how much of a disappointment I am. Because of the tension, I say, "So?"

"Well...You know I'm going to support you no matter what. So as long as you're happy...I'm good with it." I let out a relieved sigh.

"Thank you, Mom!" I hug my mom tightly and kiss her on the cheek. Then I quickly run to my room to call my best friend to tell the news. My best friend convinced me to tell my mom earlier. I search for my friend's contact in my phone. When I finally find it, I click the call button and wait for an answer.


"Heeeeeey! I've got some good news," I say happily.

"What is it?"

"So, I finally told my mom about the university thing..."


"She was fine with my decision!"

"That's great! Should I come over?"

"Of course!" I said.

"Okay, I'll be right there," my friend hangs up. I head downstairs to wait for my friend. I didn't have to wait for long when I finally heard the doorbell ring. I shouted to my mom that I'm going to open the door. When I opened the door, I quickly pulled my friend into a tight hug.

"Hello, Ms William," when pulling away, my friend greets my mom.

"Hi, how are you?"

"I'm good, thanks. How are you?"

"Good," my mom replies with a smile.

"Okay, come on, let's go," I say as I take my friend by the hand and start pulling towards the stairs, which lead up to the second floor. When we get to my room, we sit on my bed. We start talking about my mom's reaction.

"So, what did she say?"

"She said she supports my decision as long as I'm happy,"

"Told you that she would say that," my friend laughs.

"Oh, shut up," I scoff.

"I'm always right," I laugh at my friend.

"Brad, I said shhh," I put up a finger to my mouth. He laughed at my gesture. We talked until late evening, and I loved that we could just talk. He and I have been best friends since childhood. We grew up together, and we are neighbours. We see each other almost every day. I couldn't imagine my life without him. At this point, he's like a brother to me. He supports me and helps me every time.

"So, I have been texting this guy called Alex for some time now," I say as I lay on the bed next to Brad.

"Oh, really?" he says.


"Is he nice?" he asks.

"He seems kind and funny. He's also attractive," I say with a smile on my face.

"Oh...So you have met him, right?"

"Yeah, we met at a café. This guy accidentally bumped into me and spilt my coffee. He bought me coffee, and we talked for a bit. I know such a cliché meeting. But from that day, we have been talking every day," I look to my side to see Brad's reaction.

"Oh, cool. Go for it. You haven't had a boyfriend for a long time," he laughs.

"Hey, shut up. You don't have to point out that I'm so single," I punched Brad's arm.


"I didn't even hit that hard," I laugh.

"You did," Brad says as he sits up. "Anyways, I should get going. It's late. And we have a gig tomorrow. You're coming too, right?"

"Yeah, of course. You know I always come to your gigs," I smile. Brad smiles back and nods his head. I stand up from the bed and follow Brad to the door. We hug each other, Brad says bye to my mom, and when he's out of the house, he waves bye to me. I wave back with a smile. I shut the door and go get ready for sleep.

I wake up early to get ready for the gig.

I forgot to mention. Brad is in a band called The Vamps. They are pretty well known. I'm proud of them and go to all of their concerts. There are four members in the band, including Brad. All of them are my friends since because of Brad; we see each other a lot.

I dress up, put some makeup on, and when Brad texts me that they are outside, I head out of my house. When I get in the car, I say hello to all of the boys and the manager. Then the driver starts the engine, and we head off to the venue.

The boys start the soundcheck as I start taking pictures with my camera of the boys. You can say I have a part-time job as their photographer. Even though I'm planning to study music, I can take some good pictures also. I keep taking pictures and sing along to all of their songs. When the boys are done, we go to the dressing rooms. The boys get ready because the concert will start soon. I can already hear the fans gathering up in the venue.

The boys finally go up on stage, and then the fans start screaming. During the concert, I take some pictures too. But I make sure to enjoy the concert, as I always do. When the show ended, I went to the dressing room to wait for the boys. When they come, I make sure to hug each one of them and say that they did a good job.

We finally go home. Brad and I decided that I'm going to stay over at his house. It's late when Brad and I get to his place. We quietly sneak upstairs, making sure not to wake up any of the household members. When we get to Brad's room, I quickly go to the bathroom to get changed. When I come out, Brad is already under the covers in bed. I climb into the bed next to him. We try to fall asleep. But as always, we hardly can. Because we get into a deep conversation or we can't stop laughing. Finally, we fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up to the morning sun shining right into my eyes. Brad seems to be already awake since he's not in bed anymore. I check my phone for any messages. There is none. I grab my phone from the nightstand, check my social media, and chat with Alex - the guy that I met at the café. Suddenly, Brad comes into the room with a tray.

"Good morning!" he says with a smile.

"Good morning. What is this?" I point to the tray that he's holding.

"Your breakfast," he says.

"Oh, wow. What did I do to deserve this?" I say, pretty shocked.

"Nothing. I just wanted to try and make breakfast for you,"

"You have never done this. I'm shocked," I laugh.

"Just let me try to be nice," he says as I laugh and nod. He places the tray on my legs. It's a typical English breakfast. But what can I say? It looks tasty.

"Oh, wow, Brad. Are you sure you made this?" I point to the plate. He nods. I squint my eyes, giving him a suspicious look. "It looks great. What can I say," I pick up the fork and take a bite. Brad watches me for some kind of reaction.

"Oh, shit..." I say, without any emotion on my face.

Helloooo everyone! First of all, I want to say is that I hope you enjoyed this very first part of my first and new fan fiction! I have never written a fanfic before so I hope it isn't terrible. Also, I want to say that English is not my main/first language so there might be some spelling mistakes...but I'll try to make sure there's none.
Anyways...THANK YOU FOR READING! I hope you'll like this fanfic! Byeee!!

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