Part 14: let's go on a picnic

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The concert ended. I felt so happy that I got to sing on stage with the boys. I loved the adrenaline rush that took over me while singing.

I was waiting for the boys in the dressing room.

"Oh my God! Y/N! You did amazing!" James said. I laughed.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"Maybe we should do this more often?" Brad said. When I looked at him, he smirked and winked. I just rolled my eyes.

I was extremely tired when we came back home. I went straight to bed. I was just about to fall asleep when my phone starting buzzing on the night table. I picked it up and answered it without looking.


"You're not sleeping."

A big smile appeared on my sleepy face.

"Well, I was just about to fall asleep but you called me and interrupted my beauty sleep," I scoffed.

"I'm sorry," He laughed.

"It's ok."

"I just wanted to hear your voice and say that you did amazing on stage today. I truly loved singing with you," he said.

"Aww," I paused. "Thank you," I ended up whispering. He giggled.

"Okay, I'll let you go to sleep now. Goodnight, Y/N."

"Goodnight, Brad," I smiled and hung up.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

I was sitting in my room, watching YouTube on my computer when Brad busted into my room.

"Whoooooaaa. Calm down," I said startled.

"I have an idea," Brad blurted out quickly.

"What?" I laughed.

"Let's go on a picnic," He smiled widely and I couldn't not smile back at how cute he was.

"Okay," I laughed.

"Then hurry up," He grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bed. When I stood up, he pushed me towards my closet. "I'll come back to pick you up in 30 minutes. Be ready," He winked and I laughed.

"Okay, okay."

Brad left and I started looking through my clothes. I decided that I'm going to put on a cute summery dress. I quickly did my hair. I don't know why I'm trying so hard to look good for Brad...He has seen me at my worst times. I guess I'm doing this because we have confessed our feelings to each other. Wait...

Is Brad going to ask me today to be...? I shook my head. No, no way. My precious heart wouldn't handle it. I giggled to myself while I finished doing my make-up. My phone started ringing. I looked to see who it is. I picked up.

"Oh my God. Why are you so impatient today? I'm coming."

"Good. I'm waiting," I laughed and hanged up.

When I came out of the house, Brad was waiting.

"Hiello," I said smiling widely.

"Hey," Brad said with his beautiful smile. I came closer to him to hug him. "Wait," he quickly said. Then I noticed that he has been keeping his hands behind his back the whole time. "I wanted to give you these," He smiled. He handed me a small bouquet of small flowers.

"Aww, Brad. These are so cute," I said and I remembered a similar moment. I remembered the date that I went on with Alex. He gave me flowers too. But I must say, I appreciate flowers from Brad a lot more. I felt butterflies in my stomach. "Thank you, Brad," I smiled at him.

"No problem. Anything for you." When he said those words, I felt how I turned red like a tomato. "Should we go?"

"Yep," I nodded.

Brad brought me to a park near our houses. We set up our picnic spot. Brad took out some snacks from his backpack. I gasped when I saw something.

"What?" Brad looked at me concerned.

"You brought my favourite sweets," I squealed.

"Of course. How could I not?' He laughed.

We ate snacks and some sandwiches that Brad prepared. I was surprised that Brad did all of this. It was very nice of him and I enjoyed our little picnic.

"Hey! Give me those crisps!" I said as Brad raised the crisps in the air so I can't reach them.

"Nope. I want them," He smirked.

"Well, can't you share?" I asked as I kept trying to reach it but Brad kept raising it higher and higher.


I was just about to grab the crisps when Brad fell back and I fell on him. I froze. I was laying on him and stared at his beautiful eyes. I couldn't think about anything. When I snapped back from my trance, I quickly got up and giggled awkwardly. Brad did also. There was a little silence.

I grabbed the bag of the crisps.

"Hey!" Brad said.

"Too late," I said as I opened the bag and ate one of the crisps. Brad just stared at me with a smile on his face. I stopped eating the crisps and said,


"Nothing," He giggled and shook his head as he looked down.

"Okay," I said and continued eating the crisps.

We were in the park until the sun went down. We packed up and started walking home. While we were walking back there were a few times when our hands brushed. I would blush a little bit every time.

Then something came to my mind.


"Yeah," He turned to face me.

"Umm..." I laughed. "This may be a weird question, but..." I paused hesitating if I should say it. "Was this like a date?" I bit my lip. Brad laughed.

"Do you want this to be a date?" He smirked. I blushed.

"I don't know," I turned away to hide my face.

"Okay, we'll call this a date," He smiled widely and took my hand. He then intertwined his fingers with mine. I felt like my heart is going to burst out. I thought that I'm going to have a heart attack. I never felt this kind of way. When Alex would hold my hand, I wouldn't feel this kind of way. I became like a beetroot. "You're so cute when you blush," Brad said out of nowhere, which made me blush even harder if that was possible.

"Stop," I said looking away.

"Nope," He smirked. I didn't say anything anymore.

"Thank you," I said when we arrived at my house.

"For what?" He laughed.

"For organising all of this today," I pointed at his backpack.

"No problem. I wanted to do something nice," There was a little silence. He scratched his neck and said,

"I forgot to mention...You look absolutely beautiful today," He giggled and I blushed.

"Thank you, Brad," I said silently.

"No problem, love."

Hello everyone!!  Thank you, everyone, for 500 reads! It means a lot to me. I didn't expect this story to turn out well. Thank you for reading and I hope you're enjoying the story so far!

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