As much as I sound confident and secure, I have something I am always insecure of. I did have a gallbladder removal surgery, because I had small stones that were going to block the digestion track. I have 4 stitches in my belly, and that is one of the reasons I would cry each time my eyes come on them. They are medium and swollen pink, which makes my skin look shrunk. Whenever I look at them, I start crying and feel so insecure about myself. Although no one sees them, I feel something wrong had happened to me. I made the surgery on 12 September 2019, after having 7 years of depression and unreasonable bullying and betrayal from so many people. My mental health was destroyed, if you are wondering. I did actually overcome that bad wave of insecurity and told myself that "they say you are brave; do you know that?". I keep telling myself this always; I do smile when I remember that those scars are here to resemble my bravery. I won't deny that sometimes I get triggered whenever I remember that day, but maybe those scars are here for good. I try to always use such situations as an inspiration to everyone around me, because at the end of the day we all have scars inside and outside us.
A Hopeful Romantic
PoetryIt was never hopeless, when it is raw It's always hopeful, just so you saw On the forming pieces of something lost, words can fill the vow. As souls come along, ropes hang low. You and I, might be the reason for a while. In the day dream, can friend...