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When Mr Lee finally told them they were done for that day, Donghyuck stretched his arms up in the air. He hated Divination and he knew that no one except of Jeongin, who was the only one who seemed interested, liked that subject.

He left the tower along with Taeil. The sun was right in the middle of the sky, sign that it was noon and they had to go eat.

"Finally." Taeil exclaimed excited when they put their books into their lockers and left to the dining hall.

Jaemin joined them as well and he dragged the two until they reached the hall. The long table was full of food and wizards and witches were eating already.

Donghyuck found three empty spots and they sat down. Jaemin filled a plate with rice and some stew and Donghyuck thought he might choke himself.

"As if you didn't ate breakfast today." He said while putting some chicken on his plate.

"That was years ago." Jaemin mumbled and spit some rice on the table.

Taeil chuckled while he only frowned in disgust. It was so obvious his friend was a shapeshifter, otherwise why would he act like an animal most of the time? 

"You need to stop living so much in you animal form." Donghyuck said and took a big bite from his chicken wing. The taste filled his mouth and he closed his eyes and smiled. 

"You're just jealous." Jaemin said and took a chicken wing as well. 

Donghyuck only shook his head and greeted Yangyang when he sat down in front of them with Felix. The wizard placed some stew in his plate and started eating in silence. 

"What happened to him?" Taeil asked and pointed at Yangyang who seemed a bit off than that morning. Felix sighed loudly. 

"He bumped into a demon few hours ago and he traumatized him." 

Donghyuck stopped eating.  He knew demons were evil and they would do anything to take a person's happiness away. 

"Who?" He managed to ask and followed Felix's finger as he pointed at the demon. 

"That's Hendery. He didn't do much beside staring deeply into his eyes. I guess he's unhappy now, but from what I read he'll be fine by tomorrow at this hour." 

Hendery was talking to Jungwoo and the two seemed to have lots of subjects to talk about in the corner of the hall. He saw another boy, with brown hair, sitting next to them. His eyes were sure that he had fangs, but something made him stop starring at them. Actually, someone. 

His eyes met Mark's who was staring at him with interest. Jeno was doing the same thing and suddenly he felt uncomfortable and he elbowed Jaemin. 

"They're staring at me." He whispered and his best friend looked at the two werewolves. 

And it was enough to make Jaemin mad. Donghyuck tried to stop him, but he stood up and walked to their table with heavy steps. His hands were slammed before Jeno's plate and the werewolf jumped a bit. 

"Are you having fun?" Jaemin growled and leaned closer. "Reply!" 

Donghyuck face-palmed himself and tried to hide. The whole hall was looking, including the teachers which made it worse. He widened his eyes when he saw Jaemin hold Jeno's collar. 

"Stare again and you'll loose your eyes." 

He expected to get a reply, but Jeno chuckled and showed his claws which ripped the t shirt he was wearing in the place where Jaemin's hand held it. He even scratched his hand and Jaemin hissed in pain. 

"I smell sweet blood." A voice spoke and Renjun appeared there. He sniffed the air and smiled. His hand caressed Jaemin's face and he took his hand. 

"Fuck my life." Donghyuck mumbled and stood up as well. "Leave him alone Renjun." He glared and pushed the vampire away. 

Renjun giggled and glared at him, licking the blood that colored his pale hand away. 

"What's happening here?" Jaehyun made his way in the crowd and looked at Renjun who made some puppy eyes. "Go to Ten." He growled and the vampire left the table. "Who started it?" 

No one replied and Jaehyun became mad. 

"I did." Jeno and Jaemin both said in the same time and Jaehyun chuckled. 

"Good, then you'll have detention tonight. Mr Song needs to be helped." 

Donghyuck stared at his principal who made his way smoothly back to the table he was talking with Taeyong earlier. 

"I can't believe it!" Jaemin cried that evening when they reached their dorm. "If I'm not coming back to classes just know I loved you." 

Donghyuck rolled his eyes and slapped his arm. 

"You won't die." He replied and started caressing Night who was purring on his lap. 

"But I don't know how's the school in the night time. What if vampires are walking around huh?" His eyes were wide and Donghyuck patted with a hand Jaemin's back. 

"They walk around in the day time too because of those rings so that's not something unfamiliar." 

"But it's night!" 

Night looked up, thinking she was called and Donghyuck giggled. 

"Chill Nana, chill." 


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