Outside the palace

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Not before long, Bella and Blake came upon the disappearing Forest. It was rumoured t be an enchanted forest filled with magical beings. Even the trees and grass were thought to bewitched. The silence in the forest made the royal children uneasy. Then, the cracking of a tree made them stop in their path. A tree had just moved behind them. Another crack came. There was now a grand oak tree standing in their way. "You dare enter The Disappearing Woods." The elderly oak demanded. "Yes. We are on a mission to save the king and queen," Blake explained, "They were kidnapped by a shadow sorceress." The tree laughed at the young boy. "And this kingdom could send to free them? Turn around boy if you know what is good for you. You will never be able to save them," he informed rudely. The boy drew his sword and yelled, "I WILL NEVER GIVE UP! I WILL SAVE THE GRAND RULERS OF SATURNIA!" He leaped and sliced of the branches off the grand oak tree. The tree screamed with rage. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT, BOY!" The tree bent over and snatched Blake in his branches, forming a cage around the prince. "HEY! YOU CAN'T HOLD MY FRIEND IN A CAGE LIKE SOME SORT OF ANIMAL!" Bella screamed, furiously. She hadn't even noticed that her hair was fading to white, her skin became pale, and magic pumped through her veins into her hands. With one mighty scream from the princess, ice exploded from her body, launching at every tree surrounding her. The tree froze in place. "BELLA? HOW DID YOU DO THAT?" Blake called from the branch cage he was trapped in. "I don't know!" She exclaimed, looking at her hands, "But I'm going to get you out of there!" The princess climbed up the icy trees, many branches crushed to the ground. She slipped but grabbed on to a more sturdy branch near the prince. With her sword, she cut though the icy branches and tugged the prince free, leaping down to the frozen forest ground. "Bella, you look different," he admitted in shock. She examined her white hair and pale arms.

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