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Two dolphins appeared, lifting the two royals up to the surface just as they were about pass out. They choked for air for a while before turning to the four year old sorceress resting on a narwal. The little girl patted the narwal and responded "thanks for calling your friends, Cornica." "Th...thanks for saving us," Bella panted, "How did you find us?" The young girl smiled "I followed you, I'm Alex, and I'm four." "I'm Princess Bella and this is Prince Blake. We're trying to get to Gloomy Island to save the king and queen." The little girl breathed, "The king and queen have been kidnapped? Is there any way I can help?" Blake responded, "You can help us get there, if it's not too much trouble." She smiled with delight an shrieked, "I would love to!" The three pressed forward, journeying across the sea on the dolphins and Alexa on the narwal. "How did you learn such ancient magic?" Blake asked her, curiously, "I thought it was lost." "I'm the last person who was taught how to use it. I learnt from my great grandpa. He was Rodriquez the Great." "The best animal sorcerer to ever live," the princess breathed, "No wonder you mastered it at your age." They arrived at Gloomy Island. Dark clouds casted across the sky. "Thanks for your help, Alexa. We will meet again," Blake responded, waving at the child. They approached the cave where it was rumoured Viktoria lived. The walls of the cave were dark and falling apart. A strange magical fog hunt in the air. "A..are you sure this is where mom and dad is being held?" The prince

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