Chapter 1 ~the pool~

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It was a normal spring day. Me and my friends were at an indoor pool. Though we can together we didn't interact. My twin sister and my two friends were in a lame together even though it was two to a lane. The lifeguards didn't care though. I was drifting with my arms hung over the tube I was in. I saw three guys lightly shoving each other and laughing. Glad they're having fun. I then noticed they were pointing at me. I mean sure I've had plenty of boys hit on me. I'm very attractive. I mean I don't think that, but people tell me that. So I think that. They keep whispering to one guy. He's black like me. His friends are Mexican and white. He finally gets in the pool and walks my way. Well not really my way, it's just a direction I so happen to be in. He turns back at them and puts his hands up. I'm a way of telling them to wait. They wait. He comes up to me. "Hey there cutie." He says. " Thanks you for the compliment. " I say slowly trying to drift away. He swims closer. "Dustin." He says. Well at least he's a gentleman. "Charlotte." I say. " Um hey here's a weird question.  What's your sexuality? " Dustin says scratching the back of his neck. I was shocked. I mean sure I was completely open about this kinda stuff, but that's not usually the first question to ask. "Pansexual." I say trying to sound confident .  "So to like boys?" He asks his eyes kinda sparkly ."Yep." I say, "if you have any more questions I would love to answer them." He chuckles. He looks at my baby pink bikini. "Do you know what DDLG is?" He says looking me in the eyes. Did my swimsuit give it away? If you don't know what ddlg is it stands for daddy dom little girl. I'm a little. That means at times I act of a younger age. This is called little space. My ages are usually 4-6. Was he a daddy? "Um yes?" I shyly say afraid that I might slip. "Are you part of that?" He asked getting closer. This time I don't back away. "Yes. Do you have a problem with that?!" I say. A lot of people have insulted me because of this topic. "No no. Just wondering." He glances at my swimsuit again. He must be a daddy if he can guess out of tiny things like that. Or maybe hes just curious. "You ask a lot of personal questions!" I spit back. He chuckles. "You answer them." He points out. I feel my face heat up. Slight blush is now visible on my face. "Nice blush." He says bringing me out of my thoughts. "Sh-shut up!" I say looking away. "Haha. Sorry. Anyway can I have your number please? Since we've already become so close." He smirks. "Yeah you're right." I say giggling. We get out of the pool. I'm walking in front of him. I look back at him to see him sticking his tongue out and flipping off his friends. They look shocked. But just a bit. I write down my number on a piece of paper and hand it to him. "Don't lose it." I say. I walk away. I hear one of his friends yell, "take care of him!". "Shut up!" He says shushing them. I smirk at his friends remark.

A/N thanks so much for reading! was it bad? i bet it was bad? i bet it was bad. this book is dedicated to my two best friends spawn_of_a_Devil and Greta who doesn't have an account. if my description on DDLG wasn't good enough for you, you can always look it up. reminder: DDLG is not a kink!!! please don't say it is!

word count: 584

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