Chapter 5 ~texts about schools~

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Charlotte: daddy

Dustin: yes princess?

Charlotte: now that we're a couple I need to know. What school do you go to?

Dustin: hower high school.

Charlotte: I go there too!!!

Dustin: that's great princess! Maybe we have some classes together!

Charlotte: probably.

Dustin: you will sit with me during those classes. Okay?

Charlotte: can we sit over by my friends too? Your friends can sit with us too.

Dustin: I think that would be great.

Charlotte: yay!

Dustin: princess.

Charlotte: yes daddy?

Dustin: you're adorable.

Charlotte: bye!

Dustin: bye princess.

A/N so sorry i haven't updated in a while. some stuff was going on. also this book is also dedicated to Lotsoftododeku and stuff. whoo. if just been going through stuff. might have a little chapter just talking about that. i need to vent.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2020 ⏰

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