chapter 2 ~night time texts~

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Charlotte: hey there cutie

Dustin: really?

Charlotte: what?

Dustin: nvm. Anyway do you wanna go on a date some time?

Charlotte: okay! Where?

Dustin: cat cafe?

Charlotte: yes!

Dustin: okay great! I'll pick you up at 12. Address?

Charlotte: 229 east 33rd street

Dustin: okay! Come in your prettiest baby pink outfit okay?

Charlotte: I want to come in a different color!

Dustin: I'm not asking.

Charlotte: okay I will. Goodnight.

Dustin: goodnight princess

Charlotte: don't call me that! You're not my daddy!

Dustin: do you have one? 'Cause I don't want to be some side dude.

Charlotte: no. It's just that you aren't my daddy so you can't call me that. Plus you aren't even into ddlg.

Dustin: who said I wasn't?

Charlotte: are you?

Dustin: yes. Caregiver.

Charlotte: goodnight!

Dustin: goodnight.

A/N sorry if this is a little short. all text chapters will be kinda short. every time the text each other for long time or about important there will be a separate chapter. thanks for reading! <3

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