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*Seungmin's POV*

I like you.

Seungmin had never once had those words spoken to him. Until last night.

The troubling words still rung through his head even as the first light of the night approached. He couldn't sleep now, he felt too unsettled. Hyunjin, who had fallen asleep right after the words slid off his lips, was snoring peacefully, while Seungmin was laying awake wondering what to do. He eventually decided on pretending it had never happened in the first place. Maybe Hyunjin would think that he had simply forgotten.

Yes. Seungmin was unsure about the idea, but he had no other way of avoiding the situation.

Still, he didn't sleep that whole night.

When it was time to get out of bed and freshen up, Seungmin was nervous to say the least, he thought Hyunjin might bring up what happened in front of Jisung, then they'd have to explain the whole night. But to Seungmin's relief, it was actually the opposite. It had seemed like Hyunjin himself had forgotten.

He really hoped that Hyunjin would say 'sike' at any moment. He didn't like the thought of having to turn his best friend down. He honestly really enjoyed Hyunjin's company, but only as a friend, they had a really good relationship and he didn't want that to go to waste. They'd been friends for around four years now...

"Hey! Hello? Earth to Seungmin."

Seungmin snapped out of his thoughts to see the exact person he'd been wanting to avoid.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah...yeah I'm just a bit out of it, that's all."

Seungmin took note of the way Hyunjin leaned in, eyes searching his own and full of worry. Did he always look at him like this? How much had Seungmin not noticed?

"Do you want to talk?"

Seungmin imagined a scenario of him explaining his current thoughts to Hyunjin.

"No I'm okay, but thanks jinnie."

He watched as Hyunjin's cheeks tinted a light pink colour. Was it because he called him 'jinnie'?Wow, he had always called him that nickname, how had he not noticed before?

"Okay, but if you ever need to talk, I'll be here." Hyunjin responded with a small smile.

Seungmin gave his friend a smile back. He reminded himself to remember that Hyunjin is his friend before someone that has a crush on him, that made him feel better. Hyunjin was only looking after him as a friend.

"Thank you Hyunjin, let's go meet with the others."

Seungmin had decided to try to get rid of everything he did that made Hyunjin blush. In that moment, he had come to conclude that he would try to rid Hyunjin's feelings for him. It was the best solution.

*Jisung's POV*

After the afternoon activities, the students were told to go back to their own cabins.

So here jisung sat, on the couch, arms crossed over his chest. His mind was heavily clouded with many thoughts, one being of Felix, and another, of Hyunjin and Seungmin.

The previous night, Jisung had lay awake thinking about Minho with his head under the blanket when he suddenly heard footsteps. Those footsteps lead to Hyunjin's bed so he had decided that it was Seungmin seeing as they were the only three in the cabin.

By Chance  《Chanlix》Where stories live. Discover now