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Guest room that Gavin is in is pictured above.

I slowly start to wake up. I sit up and grab my head as a sharp shooting pain blasts through it. What the heck happened, I think to myself looking around. I am definitely not in my apartment, everything in this room is huge and really fancy. I have to get out of here. I try to get up, but my body feels heavy. That creepy dude that tackled me must have drugged me or something. I flop back down and try to control my breathing. Panicking now, will not help me get out of here.

Suddenly the door bursts open and I can't help but let out a high pitched scream. I wasn't expecting anyone to come in for a while.
Anders: Hi little one
Gavin: Hiiii, where am I and when can I leave?!?!
Anders: You are in a guest bedroom in my family's palace. Don't worry you are safe.
Gavin: Palace?!?!? Is that what you just said. Please explain why I am here and when do I get to go home.
Anders: To answer your first question, yes we are in a palace my dad is a king to a country called Zoro, we are on my home planet Zion. Before you freak out, please let me finish explaining. On this planet, everyone has what we call a soulmate. It is like the persons other half. You just happen to be mine. I am the heir to the throne and I have to be married to my mate by 30 so I can take over as king. When I found you I had to bring you back here with me so we can be together and rule this country together. I know this is a lot and sounds crazy, but I hope you will give it a chance and give me a chance to love you and care for you. This room is yours until you are comfortable sharing with me.
Gavin: *Mouth hanging open*, wow just wow. Please tell me you are joking. That is a lot to take in.
Anders: Take your time and take some deep breathes, I don't want you passing out on me. Just know that you are safe and no harm will come to you. I just need you to try this for me.

I don't even know what to say, so I just keep my mouth closed. What he is saying sounds crazy. But if what he is saying is true and we really are on another planet I won't be able to just go home. I might as well make the best of this until I can figure out what I am going to do. No one has hurt me yet, but I still don't trust anyone yet. I will play nice for now, but definitely will be keeping my guard up.

Taking a deep breath, I ask him if I can take a shower and get cleaned up. He agrees and gives me some of his smallest clothes to wear once I am done. He told me he would come get me once I was done and we would go eat dinner with his family so that I could meet everyone. Oh joy, I thought to myself, more weird alien people. I just hope they are nice. Wanting an escape, I thanked him for the clothes and slipped into the bathroom. I took a long, hot shower and tried to calm my frayed nerves. My eyes start to water and tears leak down my cheeks as I let my thoughts wonder. My life as I know it may be over, but maybe it won't be such a bad thing to be here. Only time will tell.

I finish up and get out, drying myself off quickly. Now to see how his clothes are going to fit me. I roll my eyes as the clothes are still huge on me. I roll the sweat pants up a few times so they don't drag on the ground and tighten the drawstring. The last thing I want to do is trip and fall on my face in front of strangers. I also have to roll up the boxers because they are too loose around my hips. The hoodie he gave me is big, but fits a lot better than the pants. Hopefully no one says anything about it, or I might die of embarrassment. I know I'm small, no one needs to point it out. I sit on the bed and wait for Anders to come get me for dinner.

Abducted by an Alien Where stories live. Discover now