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"fine... i'll go out." YN mumbles quietly to her cat, while running her fingers through its soft fur. living alone on the outskirts of new york got boring, and it was easy to stay inside all day, so YN often goes to the only peaceful place she knows. after a short walk through the woods, the trees clear, revealing a beautiful open feild where you can just sit and read for hours. this time though, the field was not empty.

your POV
"what the hell?" i mutter out, my eyes squinting as i step through the tall trees. in the distance laid what looks like a spaceship maybe?? Dark smoke rose high into the air although no fire was visible.
slowly, i make my way up to what literally looked like a prop out of a film. maybe they were shooting a movie? was my initial thought, but that idea was dragged from my mind at the sight of a man, laying half out of the ship with blood trickling from his forehead and no camera crew in sight. small, quiet, but pained moans escaped his lips and he seemed to be unconscious as i ran up the small hill towards him.

"oh my god, are you ok sir!?"
no response. carefully, i hook my hands under the mans arms and pull as hard as i can, successfully dragging him away from the wreck. it looked like it could blow any minute. he also was holding something metal in his hand, but that was the least of my concerns at the moment. i kneel over him, placing my fingers on his neck to check his pulse. it was still strong. i search for more wounds on the man, my fingers carefully lifting up his tattered shirt to reveal his body littered with cuts, when i feel him stir.

"oh good you're awake, um, your ship crashed.. i think-" a gasp escapes my lips as he sits up and harshly pushes me onto the ground. a red light comes of the thing he was holding and is held dangerously close to my face. it looked like a red sword, and the heat radiating off of it was alarming.

"i- i'm sorry i just-" i stutter out, tears pricking at my eyes. i watch as he looks around confused, before retracting the red light and tossing it in to the wreck which was now on fire. he looked almost afraid of whatever the hell he was holding.

"oh my god i'm really sorry i- here, oh god i'm so sorry.. " he says with an outstretched hand. his voice was deeper than i expected.
i take his large hand and stand up, backing away from the ship more due to the heat from the fire.

"what is that thing?" i ask shakily, referring to the ship AND the red thing.

"my ship and lightsaber. uhm i'm ben." he says in an oddly calm tone.

"lightsaber? i- hm ok ben you're gonna have to explain a lot. i'm YN, and are you sure you're ok?"

"i think so." he simply says, wiping at the blood with his sleeves before taking a stumbling step back. quickly, i grab hold of his arm.

"umm you look really hurt.. do you need a place to stay? or a hospital?" i ask sheepishly. i think that's the thing to do right now, i just hope i can trust him.

"no. no hospital. i'm- i'm ok i can stay in the woods tonight" he nods, glancing around.

"um no i'm definitely not leaving you to sleep in the woods. please, let me clean you up and give you a place to stay. it's the least i can do."

after a few seconds of consideration, his shoulders sink down and a sigh escapes his lips.

"fine, i hope i'm no trouble."

"you're not, don't worry."

"oh, where am i again?" he asks as we begin to walk away from the ship.

"earth? where else would you be?"

he looks at me confused.

"you're looking at me like i'm the crazy one."i tell him at the sight of his confused face.

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