"Gift" - 🇺🇦x🇨🇦

457 6 9

Female!Ukraine x Male!Canada

The girl walked slowly down the hall. Her heart in her mouth. What would he think about that? She was scared, she was really scared. Scared of losing him because of this news.

What if... What if he leaves me??

No Ukraine! Calm down! He wouldn't do that! He loves you!

She took a deep breath. Trying to control the heartbeat. She entered the living room. Canada was sitting on the couch watching a program on television. Okay girl. It's okay.

"N-Nada?" She stammered. The boy soon turned to her. And then he smiled, that beautiful smile that the girl knew so well.

"Yes Aine?" He asked.

Ukraine held the bag in her hands. "I have something to give you" was what she said.

The woman then put the bag on his lap. It was white with a baby blue ribbon. Canada was clearly confused by the sudden gift.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Open it and you'll find out" she smiled, despite being stressed inside.

"A book??"


"A T-shirt!"

"It isn't either!" She laughed. "Stop trying to guess and open!"

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! "He said, carefully pulling on the tape.

Shaking, Ukraine watched her boyfriend open the bag. And he was clearly surprised when he saw what was inside. He took a small, comfortable baby's jumper out of the bag. It looked like those little clothes that grandmothers knit for their grandchildren, made of pink wool.

Canada looked at that for a few seconds, then showed Ukraine a confused smile.

"A baby's jumper?" he said without understanding. "Hmm... I'm sorry, honey. But why did you buy this? I probably don't fit here, even if it was nice to have one of these." He chuckled at the end.

Ukraine was speechless, staring at her feet as if it were the most interesting thing in the world for a second. Canada was confused. Usually his girlfriend laughs at his jokes.

"Ukraine? Are you okay? Did I do anything wrong?" He asked, and she still didn't answer. "Look, I can't understand what you are..."

Then he stops talking suddenly. With a surprised expression on his face. The silence continued for a few seconds. Until he looked at the woman again.

"Aine... Are you serious?"

She then looked up and saw his eyes. Putting her right hand lightly on her belly.

"Really...??" said Canada, starting to cry. She couldn't believe it. He was really crying! He, Canada, her big smiling fool, was crying. She watched the tears run down his face. It was not the reaction she expected. Canada looked at her belly. Then he reached out and placed his hand over his girlfriend's. "Am... Am I a father ??"

"You are a father!" She smiled at him.

Sobbing, Canada smiled and jumped up from the couch. It was so fast that when Ukraine realized it, she was in the arms of a crying boyfriend.

"C-Canada!!" she said, startled. Canada ran through the rooms of the house.

"I AM A FATHER!! I AM A FATHER!! DID YOU HEAR THIS, GUYS??" he shouted, each time in a louder tone. "I AM A FATHER!!"

Ukraine also let a tear flow. That was what she most wanted. Being able to have a family with the man she loved so much. How could she have doubted his love? He would never be able to abandon her. Not for a pregnancy, or for any reason.

They stopped in the garden of the house. When the boy released her. Ukraine thought that she could finally breathe. But in just seconds, he gave her belly a tight but affectionate hug. She smiled, taking off his cap and stroking his head.

"Her name is going to be Charlotte!"

"You don't even know the baby's gender!"

"Paternal sixth sense."

"But what if it's a boy?"

"You choose!"

"I like Kliment!"

"What if they are twins?? What if they are triplets?? I would have so many diapers to change... Three beautiful babies! It would be Hailee, Kliment and Chalotte !! "

"Nada!" She laughed. "Calm down!!"

Then he got up, touched her cheek and lifted her face gently. Giving a loving peck on her lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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