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Harry was ushered down the aisle before the ceremony started, and facing the ocean was certainly an aesthetic Hermione never imagined seeing him in. Yet, when Draco was brought up in his equally white and pristine suit, they were quite the dashing couple. They both wore traditional wizarding robes over their suits, a slight shimmer mixed into the outside, something magical and glittery. 

Hermione thought they looked blissful in their otherwise very expensive adornments. 

The men held each other's hands tightly through the whole ceremony. It was gorgeous, and everything they wanted it to be as the sun lowered over the horizon. The idea to have it in the evening only increased the serenity of it, and Hermione was glad that she wouldn't be in much pain that day. 

When they shared their first kiss as a bonded couple, the sight was certainly something to behold. Their magic flared, and Hermione cried at the beauty of it. Since Pansy was over with Blaise on Draco's side, she had the luxury of grabbing Ron's hand as the newlywed couple took their newfound relationship status just a little too far, her head leaned onto his shoulder happily. 

"They've gone and made me bloody cry," Ron whispered to her as everyone started to cheer, "And if you tell anyone, I'll deny it until my last sickle."

Hermione chuckled, forcing him to stand with the rest of the crowd, not able to hide her own happy tears. 

She was so thankful to witness it, to be one of Harry's best friends, and to watch him be so in love with what little time she had left. It was an honor. In fact, it was more than an honor. Every part of her loved Harry like a brother, like someone who would forever imprint her soul and make her theirs. It was wonderful to know someone so good... so light that he'd fixed the entire world. 

Hermione hollered and cheered as they made their way to the tent, following the couple back where everything was set up and food was being served. 

And really, all the food looked positively wonderful, and tasted even better. Draco had made a good call on the caterer. 

She got her turn assaulting the boys with kisses and hugs, Draco taking them simply because he was in such bliss on Harry's arm. 

"You'd think she was trying to steal me from you," he'd muttered to his husband cheekily, but truthfully, she was trying to imprint this moment into her mind. 

She watched with grief as Severus and his date took their turn with the Potter's. 

Taking a moment to absorb her surroundings, Hermione looked at the beautiful metal tables that were set out, all high tops without a single chair in sight. Harry and Draco hadn't wanted anyone above them, but they did want to keep everyone on their feet with live music coming from the corner and luscious lights hanging from the top of the tent. And despite the small crowd, it still managed to look more packed than ever. Draco and Harry's white robes stood out against the setting sun, the golden light reflecting off the shimmering magic in the fabric that kept them both cool. 

It was a timid day for summer, but even in her dress Hermione felt a slight bit of warmth overtake her. 

"Blimey, I don't think I've breathed, and I'm not the one who got married," Ron said loudly as he came over to the table she was leaning on, leaning on it with her, Pansy staying an arm's length away. 

Hermione attempted to smile at the witch, but she looked hesitant.

"You're his best-mate!"

Ron grinned, "Like you aren't?"

Hermione shrugged. "I'm not half as interesting as you. You've got a date."

Looking over his shoulder like a love-sick puppy, he reached out a hand to his girlfriend and pulled her close to her obvious delight. Yet, there was reservation considering they were with Hermione. 

"I reckon I do, oh!" He seemed to suddenly realize why things were awkward when Pansy shot him a warning look, "'Mione, this is Pansy Parkinson. We went to Hogwarts together, but-"

"I know," Hermione interrupted him quickly, then turned to his excited, yet reserved date. "It's nice to finally meet you in a friendly manner, Pansy."

"Likewise, Hermione."

They shook hands, and it was nice. Ron seemed thrilled by it, placing a kiss to her cheek. 

It was amazing to Hermione to see how close they'd gotten to one-another in only a few weeks, and spending several more minutes with the couple allowed her to see why. Pansy was a force to be reckoned with, and she calmed Ron like water flushed out fire. 

The arsenal of couples made Hermione want to simultaneously congratulate them and vomit. 

Rolf and Luna were very cute in her smallest of opinions, and Severus seemed to fit the woman he was with perfectly into his shoulder. 

"You could attempt to not stare daggers into Severus's head," a voice said from her side. 

Hermione looked to her right, the dark blue and sunset ocean gleaming behind the man in his wedding day whites, hair nearly matching the entire ensemble. 

"Merlin, you saw that?" 

Hermione straightened out a bit, loosening her grip on the glass she'd obtained sometime over the course of the festivities. 

"Only from across the tent."

Letting out a heavy sigh, she looked back at Draco in curiosity.

"Where's Harry?"


"Right, and so you've come to talk to me of all people?"

"The woman Severus is with is Pansy's mum. Just thought you might like to know," he offered her, his posture straight and pompous. 

"Harry told you about us," she said flatly, unsurprised. 

"Severus did," he said lightly, a little bit of a nose scrunch following the statement, "I liked his side better anyways."

Hermione could only imagine what it sounded like. 

"Why aren't you giving in?" Draco asked lowly over the table, his glances searching the room, probably for his respective partner. "It's obvious you fancy him to a great degree considering all the time you two spent together that week. What is it you aren't telling us?"

"Draco, this isn't-"

"Just let me wonder, I won't tell Harry, I promise-"

"I can't do this and ruin your big day, Draco."

He looked at her, open-eyed and startled, "Hermione?"

"Hermione? Can I talk to you?" 

It was Luna, and Harry at her side, running up to Draco and tackling him in an embrace. 

"Is she succeeding in stealing you away?" Harry asked the blonde jokingly.

"She could never," Draco said to his husband, but the look he sent was directly at her, telling her they weren't finished. 

"Right..." Harry said absently, obviously too caught up in the festivities to be worried over anything at all. 

"What's the matter, Luna?"

The blonde gave her a look Hermione could not quite interpret, and she took the meaning to be of importance, turning back to her friends with a fake smile. 

"See you boys later, have fun!"

"We will!" Harry called, attempting to garner more exciting emotions out of his husband, finally succeeding as they went back into the rest of the crowd. 

Luna looked slightly worried as she corralled Hermione to the back of the party. 

Getting to the point within seconds, she said, "I think I know who cursed you."


So I went to go edit another chapter and realized I straight up skipped an entire chapter??? Filled with important information??? Sorry about that! This is 23, so the chapter I published last comes after this one! 

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