Normal (10)

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Yeah... So, I took a break. It's nothing personal; School just got in the way. I started a new program at the local community college and am working towards my Associates degree. Sadly, I haven't yet established a routine, so uploads will be varied. Anyway, read on my lovelies! Thanks for sticking with the story!

~Chapter 10~

            The next morning Charlie woke me up by licking my foot.  "Charlie," I groaned with a giggle.  My foot pushed her away slowly.  She 'arfed' in annoyance, her tail wagged in excitement at the fact that we were soon to get up.  I knew how much she adored her early morning manic run around the backyard.

            My cell phone began to ring out of the blue.  The vibrations caused it to advance ever so gradually across the bedside table, nearing the edge.  I snatched it up with a fluid strike before it could propel itself off and commit suicide.

            I pressed Talk.   "Hello?"

            My body relaxed slightly at the sound of June's normal voice.  She had gotten over her grudge!  But then a thought hit me.  Why was she calling unexpectedly?  She never was one to cave in and forgive first.

            I stiffened.  She wanted something from me.  But what?  This phone call just screamed "proceed with caution!"

            "Yes, I'm here," I said slowly.  "Hi, June.  Long time no speak."  And it had been, since the beginning of October.  It was now a bit over a week before Thanksgiving.

            She laughed, and the shrillness of the action stung my ears.  "It has been.  I called to personally thank you for those delicious Jimmy Choos.  They arrived the other day and I wore them out for the first time last night."

            I smiled.  If that's all she wanted to say, I was off the hook!  Hallelujah!  "No problem. They were originally meant to be your birthday present, but I didn't see why I couldn't send the shoes early.  And, well, it was also to make amends.  For leaving," I added hastily.

            She laughed again, a tinkly laugh.  "Ah, yes, that.  Well, it worked for the most part."

            "For the most part?"  I couldn't help but question.

            "Burberry called me the other day asking- no, demanding- that you do a photoshoot for them.  And seeing as you're free, I figured I would fly you out."

            I bit my lip.  "When and where?"

            "You see, the personal assistant of the photographer, who specifically requested you by the mere mentioning of your name, thought the shoot had already been scheduled when, really, it hadn't been.  So you see, Sea, the meeting to discuss the photoshoot is tonight and we need you in New York by late this evening.  The photographer wants to meet you in person at a chic lounge downtown Manhattan, and I told your mother just before I called you about the whole situation.  She thinks it's a marvelous opportunity."  June veiled her threats very well.  She knew I strived to impress my mother.

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