Chapter 15

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(Time skip a few months)

Shuichi's POV

Summer has finally came, And I'm taking Kaede out on a little date. It's been way more stressful these past few months. More and more cases has been poping up, which means I have less time to spend with Kaede. It's really bothering her. So much so that we had our first proper argument last night. She's not been talking to me since, so I'm hoping this date will put her back to her cheerful self.

We both arrive at the park. I take her hand and take her to a spot with lots of shade. She takes out the picnic blanket and the little snacks we both made. She sits down and so do I.


I look her way. Kaede plays with her hair, not looking at me.

"H-hey Kaede" I say

She doesn't turn my way. I sigh

"L-look....I'm sorry about last night. I know that my job is taking up alot of my time. So that's why I'll ask to stay off for the week."

Kaede turns my way. Her face turns to guilt

"No...." She says, taking my hand "You don't. I don't know what happened last night, it's like I turned into another person. I'm sorry is well, I get that your job takes up alot of your free time, but it would be nice to spend time together once in a while, like this"

Kaede smiles and shuffles closer to me

"So let's make this day last"

Kaede leans forward and presses her lips against mine. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds though as my phone buzzed. We break apart

"Who is it?" Kaede asks as I take out my phone.

I look, it's Kyoko. I read out the message
"Hey, it's Kyoko. Sorry to bother you on your day off but the boss wants you here. He said he found out something important about recent cases."

"Oh..." Kaede says with a sigh "Well, if it's important, then you should go"

"But what about our time together?" I say

"Don't worry, there's always next time"

Kaede kisses my cheek and I grab my stuff and head

I arrive at the CID (Criminal Investigation Department) and I get greeted by Kyoko

"Hey there Saihara" she says

"Hello Kyoko" I say back

We start walking

"So" I say "What's so important that made me come to work?"

"Like I said in the text, we've found something important. Something that links all of the recent cases together"

I stop in my tracks

"Really?" I say

"Yes" she says "Follow me"

We continue walking until we get to an enclosed area. Only a few people are here

"Mr Saihara, good to see you" Mr Yoshida, our boss says "sorry about bringing you here on your day off, it's very important"

"It's no problem" I say

"Good. Well, as Mrs Kirigiri has told you, we have found some evidence that links some of our recent crimes together."

He takes out a remote and clicks a button. An image of a blue hair strand can be seen

"This right here is the hair of our criminal. This has been found in every single crime scene this month. So we now know that all of these recent cases has been done by the same person. We've taken one of the strands to our lab to see who this person is. We have yet to find out the results"

"Wow" I say, a little shocked "I never thought of that."

"Sir! Sir!" A man says running into the room

"Mr Fujita, what seems to be the problem?"


The man puts his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath

"It's the lab. They've found out who was behind all of these crimes"

Mr Yoshida runs over to the man

"Who is it? Tell us!"

"A...A woman named Tsumugi Shirogane"


After a long break, I'm finally back

I'm so sorry. I kinda just stopped writing for a while. But now after seeing the book at 8K! I just had to start writing again

And plus I wanted to start writing again anyway.

But thank you guys so much. Thank you all for being here even when my writing was bad. When all I would write was filler because I didn't have a clue where this story was heading. but now I know.

Once again thank you guys so much  you mean the world to me.

Anyway I better start writing chapter 16

See ya!


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