Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10:  The Dark Sides of Magic

Lily's Point of View

Everyone started to walk outside of the Quidditch pitch to celebrate Irelands' victory and I followed behind. Bella walked ahead with Hermione and Alaina to the celebration, while Nikki and I followed Harry. Alaina and Bella had left to walk around a bit, so Nikki and I decided to stay in the tent. Everyone was joking around and watching Fred and George dance around for Ireland. Thing started to get really loud outside, it sounded like fireworks and screaming, "The Irish must be getting their pride on!" Fred said. Arthur Weasley ran in panicking. He didn't look like he had just come from a celebration. Instead he looked horrified.

"It's not the Irish!" he said frantically. "Hurry, get back to the Port Key!"

"What's going on Dad?" Ginny asked confused as she tried to follow after him.

"No time! Fred and George, Ginny is your responsibility! Get her back, I'll go get the other girls and send them to the Port Key! Get out! Now, girls go with Ron!" He ran out of the tent with his wand in his hand. Nikki glanced over at me horrified, what was going on?

"Alaina..." I said scared to Nikki. "And Bella." They were out wandering. Mr. Weasley said he'd go find them but she was my sister. If anything happened to her, it would be my fault. I shouldn't have left her. "We have to go find them..."

"Mr. Weasley's getting them and going to bring them to the port key," Nikki said grabbing my arm and dragging up off the couch. "We're the ones who are in danger!" I didn't want to leave Alaina, or Bella.

 We did as we were told though. George and Fred got Ginny out of there as quick as possible and they were out of sight. Nikki, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I ran out of the tent, sticking close together. I was dying of worry, and kept looking all around for any sign of my sister. There was screaming and everyone was running bumping into everyone. What could possibly be going on that would cause this? Then we noticed who was causing it.

 A group of wizards in black robes, metallic mask, and tall black pointy hats were moving closely together. Their wands were up. People were being lifted into the air, moved around and around. The screaming grew louder, more wizards joined the group. Arthur saw them once more and ran over to them with his three older sons. "We're going to go help the ministry and Alaina and Bella are back at the portkey with Fred and George! Hurry!" he said and they took off back to the entrance. 

 As we ran we were getting trampled and stepped on, we couldn't even go straight for ten seconds. Finally, we took off to the woods away from the crowds as I heard children crying and people screaming. I didn't know which way to go or how to get back with all these people running around. So Nikki and I ran straight into the woods, finally the noises dulled down and we figured we were far away from the noise. "Ouch!" I heard Ron said. Harry muttered 'Lumos' and his wand lit up. 

"What happened?" he asked Ron who was lying face down on the floor.

"Tripped over a tree root." he muttered pulling himself up.

 "With feet that large, pretty hard not to," a voice said coldly behind them. I turned around sharply, standing behind them was Draco Malfoy leaning against a tree. The boy from the balcony. Ron said something that would not have been said in front of his mother. "Language, Weasley." He laughed. "You better get moving, you wouldn't them coming after her now would you?" He laughed again as he nodded at Hermione.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Hermione asked annoyed.

"Granger, I thought you were supposed to be the smart one. They're after muggles," he said

 "Hermione is a witch," Harry stated defensively taking a step forward.

  "Potter when your friend is attacked...don't say I didn't warn you," he smirked and then noticed we were standing there as well. "You're a few of the girls from the Minster's box upstairs. Unfortunate these had to be the lot you were introduced to." Neither of us responded, but I glared. "You're the pureblood?" he pointed to Nikki.

 "Yeah..." she said not knowing what it had to do with anything.

 "Well," he said. "Then I suggest not hanging around with this group, unless you want to make a name for yourself." Then a loud bang happened and a lot of screaming. "Scare easily, don't those muggles?" he laughed.

 "Where are your parents?" Harry asked with a dark glare. "Out there wearing those mask?" 

"Well if they were," Draco smirked. "I wouldn't be telling the likes of you Potter, now would I?"

 "Let's get out of here," Hermione said annoyed and started walking away.

 "Keep that big bushy head of your hidden Granger, muggles are targets," he laughed, "And you," he said to Nikki, "What's your name?" he asked curiously


"Your full name," he stated.

 "Nicolette Eclipse, why?" she responded confused with all of his questions.

 "Curious," he said and smirked. He stepped closer to her and pulled a leaf out of her light blonde hair. "See you at Hogwarts." Then he walked away. I grabbed Nikki's arm and dragged her along. They kept moving and moving, suddenly they were out of the woods and back into the madness.

"Where are we?" Nikki yelled. "Is it always like this?" She didn't expect to see the dark side of magic so soon. I only hoped this didn't happen often. No one answered her as we kept running. We were looking around and losing sight of Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the crowd. People kept walking up to us and yelling in different languages. "Where did they go?"

"I don't know..." I said nervously, "Come on, let's just hide!" We ran back towards the woods. It was better than being out here at the moment.

Nikki and I sat in the woods silently for about an hour before the noise died down, and we found it safe enough to come back out.  We found our way easily back to the tent when we spotted Arthur who was shocked to see we were still there. He told us to follow him back to where Hermione, Ron, and Harry were waiting. "What that skeleton and snake thing in the sky?" Nikki asked Hermione when they arrived there. Hermione seemed to be the one who knew the most. "From the woods we saw it go up."

 "That was the dark mark..." she whispered to everyone though no one really knew what she was talking about.

 "The what?" I asked.

 "His, You-know-who's, mark!" I realized they were talking about Voldemort, I remember my father saying not to use his actual name, Voldemort.

 "Well what does it mean?" Nikki wondered.

"That mark could only be conjured by Death Eaters," Arthur Weasley said. "They conjured every time they killed someone," he said slowly. "Everyone's worst come home and see it..."

 "What are Death Eaters?" Harry asked, well at least we weren't alone. Harry didn't seem to know much all. Everything we experienced for the first time today, he seemed as if he was too.

 "You-know-who's followers!" Hermione answered. "They did his dirty work."

 "I think we saw what's left of them tonight," Bill, Ron's older brother said looking over at us. "The ones that managed to not get in Azkaban." Ron started telling everyone that we saw Draco Malfoy in the woods and he thinks that his father is a death eater. Then he asked why all the Death Eaters scrambled when they saw the Dark Mark. Bill answered, "Think about it Ron. They worked so hard to stay out of Azkaban by lying and saying they weren't on their side. I bet they'd be more afraid to see him come back than us, don't think You-Know-Who would be too pleased with them now after saying they were against him to the Ministry?" All I knew, was that I've had enough of this for today.

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