My Superman

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So here's another short one shot that was sweet. I thought a halloween themed one would be appropriate and I think this is super cute. I hope you all think the same and enjoy it.


                Costume ideas were traded back and forth between students as the school emptied. I stood at my locker as Nancy went on and on about how she was so excited about being a sexy nurse so that Derek Daniels would finally notice her at Bev Martin’s Halloween party.

            This was all I had heard about all day. Meanwhile she forced me to wear some tight-fitting superwoman costume that showed off all of me that I didn’t like showing off. “You will look great!” she had kept claiming. I disagreed. “Besides its Halloween. Nobody can judge you for wearing something tight.”

            Thomas Marse, my recent crush who was friends with Nancy’s older brother, walked up to us as we got our books out of our lockers. Nancy had a glint in her eye almost as if she knew something I didn’t. Then again Nancy always had that glint. “Hey, May.”

            I smiled. “Hey Thomas.”

            “So everyone’s talking about what they’re wearing to Bev’s party. Are you going?” I nodded. “What are you wearing?”

            I sighed and looked over at Nancy who giggled. “I’m being forced to wear a superwoman outfit. You?”

            He just shrugged. “I’m not really sure yet.” Max, Nancy’s older brother walked up. “Bye,” Thomas said to me. I waved and smiled as he walked away with Max. Nancy grabbed me and dragged me out of the school. She wanted to start preparing for the party now.

            At her house we put on out costumes. Nancy gave me bright blue and gold eye shadow and did the rest of my makeup. She curled my wavy dark brown hair into perfect ringlets. My olive eyes popped out against all the red and blue. She gave herself dramatic white eye shadow and curled her hair too. When we were both ready, we drove to Bev’s house.

            The house was already thumping with music and people were outside talking and kissing and dancing. We walked in and the furniture was pushed up against the wall. She had strobe lights and people were talking and dancing to fun Halloween music. Smoke from a machine drifted through the house, making it hard to see, but giving the house a cool look, but it was hard to breathe.

            I coughed as I inhaled too much smoke. “Maybe we should go to the back yard.”

            Nancy grabbed my hand. “No!” she said urgently. I looked at her confused. “Let’s go to the kitchen.” She dragged me to the kitchen, keeping a hard grip on my rest as if she was afraid I would run away. What was her deal? Suddenly she flung me in a direction and I slammed into someone.

            “Oh I’m so sorry,” I said looking up. “Oh, hi, Thomas. I didn’t mean to. Nancy’s gone crazy and she just shoved me.” I looked around. “And I don’t even see her anymore.” I looked up at him and realized he was wearing a superman costumes. My eyes got big for a moment. “Nice costume.”

            He smiled. “Thanks. I just wanted to match.”

            I looked at him confused. “Match me? Why?”

            He bit his lip. “Come with me.” He grabbed my wrist and for the second time I was dragged today to the backdoor. Hands covered over my eyes and I heard giggles from around me. “Just trust me. Walk forward.” I walked forward and felt the air change. I knew I was outside. “Open them.”

            I opened my eyes and gasped. There were pumpkins standing in a line spelling out, Can I be your superman? People were watching me, girls in awe, boys looking bored. I turned around to Thomas. “This-this is for me?” He laughed and nodded. “Of course!” His smile got big and I threw my arms around him. That was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me.


I hope you all enjoyed this and thought it was cute as well. Please vote and comment if you did. Thanks for reading! I love you guys!



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2012 ⏰

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