Chapter 05: Me And Him?!

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<Author's POV>

[In Classroom, 10:20am]

"Alright class! We are left with only 10 minutes before I dismiss you for recess! So, I will be telling you what we are going to do for tomorrow's lesson! Tomorrow, we are going to do to drama project and this project requires you to pair up with someone. I had already decided on who is going to pair with who!" Ms. Rem, our drama teacher, said.

"Oh no..I hate this.." I thought to myself.

"Ok! This is the list and I am going to paste it up at the class notice board later. Hope you like my decision and good luck! Class stand!"

The class stand and greeted Ms. Rem. As soon Ms. Rem left the class after pinning up the list on the board, all of students ran to the board and take a look at it. Some of them were excited when they saw it but some were upset. I'm quite nervous actually..

"YeoRuem, who do you think will be your partner?" I asked YeoReum while playing around with my fingers.

"I don't know. Hey! Look!" she exclaimed once she saw my name and hers.

~The Drama Project List~

-BamBam & Ellie
-DongJun & Bomi
-Ricky & AhRim
-Mark & YeoReum
-Kyungsoo & SeoRi

"Mwo?!" I blurted out. My eyes almost popped out when I saw my name together with his name. Aigoo! Why must he be with me!

"SeoRi! You will be together with Kyungsoo! Yah! You're so lucky!" YeoReum yelled.

"Omo! This girl-.- Aishh.." I thought.

"Yah! Shhhh! Don't shout." I told her while showing a quiet sign.


"I'm going to see Ms. Rem and asked her for an exchange of partner."

"But SeoRi..." YeoReum pointed to the few small words in the list. It says:

*No exchange of partner as this decision is final.

"Aigoo..." I facepalm myself.

"Yah! Let's go to the cafeteria. I'm hungry..ppali!" YeoReum pouted her lips as she pulled my arm.

"Okok. SeoRi, just forget about that and go for recess." I thought to myself.


[At The Cafeteria, 10:35am]

"What do you want to eat?" YeoReum asked.

"I'm craving for spaghetti.." I said while rubbing my throat.

"I want that too. Can you help me buy..jebal.." she pouted.

"Nae. Give me your money and go find a seat while I buy the food."

"Gomawo!" she exclaimed and pinched my cheek.

"Yah!" I shouted and rubbed my sore cheek.


After buying the foods, I went to search for YeoReum. But, she was no where to be seen.

"Aigoo.. This girl really," I thought.

Then, I heard a familiar laugh. I followed the noise and saw YeoReum. She was sitting next to Chanyeol. Chanyeol was sitting with Luhan, Xiumin, Lay and Kyungsoo.


"Ah! SeoRi!"

"Here's your spaghetti." I handed the plate of spaghetti to YeoReum and took a seat next to Luhan.

"Hey jagiya!" Luhan said and peck a kiss on my cheek. I blushed.

"Hi SeoRi!" Chanyeol greeted me so do Xiumin and Lay.

"Hi!" I replied.

"Annyeong!" Kyungsoo said while waving his hand to me.

I rolled my eyes and started eating my food.

<Kyungsoo's POV>

I was talking with Luhan, my new friend, when suddenly I saw SeoRi coming. She took a seat next to Luhan and it was two seat away from me. Then, I saw Luhan pecked a kiss on her cheek and I felt some kind of..I don't know how say it..

"Hi SeoRi!" Chanyeol greeted her so do Xiumin and Lay.

"Hi!" she replied.

"Annyeong!" I said while waving my hand to her.

She rolled her eyes and started eating her food. Perhaps, she was still angry with me. I tried again.

"What are you eating? It looks good!" I said in a cheerful and friendly tone. But she ignored me. I sighed. So, I just continue talking to Lay and Xiumin.

"Hey chingus! I've something to tell you. As you all know that tomorrow is my birthday, I've decided to make a special birthday party. So, I'm inviting to guys to come. It will be held at my house in the evening. Who is coming?" Chanyeol told us.

"I will surely come, Chanyeol!" YeoReum exclaimed.

"Me too!" Lay and Xiumin said in unison.

"SeoReum and I will be coming." Luhan said and placed his arm on SeoRi's shoulder.

"Daebak! What about you, Kyungsoo?" Chanyeol asked me.

"Arhh..I don't know.." I rubbed my neck.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Lay asked while raising his eyebrow.

"Well..I-Uh..I don't know how to go to Chanyeol's house.." I said sheepishly.

"Chey! Kyungsoo, why don't you come with me and SeoRi. We can go together." Luhan suggested.

I was surprised by what Luhan had said.

"I don't think this is a good idea.." I thought.

"Errrm..nae.." I agreed.

<SeoRi's POV>

My eyes widen when I heard Kyungsoo agreed with Luhan suggestion.

"What is wrong with him?! He knows that I hate him and he still agreed with what Luhan had said..aish!" I thought.

I quickly finished food and stood up.

"Where are you going, jagiya?" Luhan asked me and hold my arm.

"I'm going back to class." I replied.


"I've some assignment.
w to complete."

"Oh. I will go with you then. We still have 30 minutes before the bell ring." Luhan stood up and hold my hand.
I nod my head and we both walked away.


A/N: Heyy! Hope you enjoyed! Actually, I'm supposed to update this chapter yesterday but I couldn't finish in time..mianhae^^ So today, I will be doing triple updates so here is the next chapter~ Enjoy><




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