Chapter 2

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The past few days were a blur for Ayame. As soon as she had opened her eyes, she had been in and out of different doctors rooms and quirk simulaters. She had been diagnosed with amnesia within the first day. No one fully trusted her yet. In their minds, her quirk was dangerous, villainous, therfore she would be the same.

Izuku and her aunt visited everyday and reassured her that they would take her in once she is discharged. Izuku told her all about how all their classmates aged and how Katsuki had just become more violent and impulsive and bullied him. Her anger always flared at hearing his name.

At exactly noon everyday she would be escorted to the quirk simulation room in another part of the hospital. And everyday the same thing would happen, nothing. Except, on this particular day she was pushed to far.


The commander yelled, brandishing three large wooden spikes, produced from his wrist.

"I told you! It only appears when I'm in real danger, I can't control it."

Her desperate cries fell on death ears as he charged at her and proceeded to begin stabbing at air as Ayame sloppily dodged. Their session had been prolonged by three hours and she had become exhusted due to her injurys and constant sharp movements. Suddenly everything came to a stop as the piece of wood had pierced its way through her stomach.

The commander looked at her, in fear, not in fear of murdering someone but in fear of what was happening to her body. The black tar like substance that had been documented years prior slowly dropped from her open mouth and came out her wound, crushing the wooden spike into splinters and seemingly healing the wound. No blood was seen, only black. Her soft green eyes became overshadowed by a pure white substance. A tiny piece of black tar had found its way onto the commanders shirt and slowly crawled into his open mouth. The door opened and at once the substance rushed back into her body and she dropped to the ground.

The doctors quickly gathered her onto a gurney and brought her to her room, no one blamed her for what had happened, it was the commanders fault and he took sole responsibility. The doctors were quite disappointed to find out that her quirk wasn't as dangerous as they had thought.

That night, she lay peacefully sleeping, just a few hours before she was to be discharged from the hospital. The commander was patrolling the hallways, looking for trouble, until he felt a sharp pain in his chest, then another, and another until he had collapsed, his screams echoing down the empty corridor. The tar which had grown considerably crawled out of his body and began its treck to Ayame leaving a trail of blood in its wake. The dead man lay, his heart gone.

Ayame woke the next morning to the sound a chirping birds and beautiful sunshine. A perfect day. A grin sprouted on her face as she threw back the covers and ran to pack all of her belongings. Finally, she would move out of this damned hospital.

Within an hour she sat at the back of the Midoriya family car bouncing from one leg to another chatting eagerly with Izuku on what she had missed. He had definitely grown since she'd last seen him, he had even begun training to go to Yuuei which Ayame was thrilled with.

"So, How are you feeling, dear?"

Mrs Midoriyas called from the driver's seat, disturbing the cousins conversation on the famed hero AllMights adventures since she'd been gone. Ayame immediately turned towards her aunt, a wide grin on her lips.

"I'm good Auntie, a bit tired and sore but nothing some tea can't fix."

Mrs Midoriya smiled at Ayame from the rear view mirror as they pulled into the driveway.

"From Monday you will be joining Izuku at his school until next month, where you can apply to your high school of choice."

She smiled as she left the cousins to catch up. Izuku and Ayame climbed out the car and began walking inside, all of Ayames things in a box.

" This is your room, I didn't know your style, so I just put up some old All Might posters. "

He touched his fingers together nervously as a soft blush appeared on his cheeks. She giggled and kissed his cheek.

"I love it couz, All Might is my favorite!"

Her happiness and excitement caught on as Izuku began an entire rant on All Might and how he was the best hero, and someday he himself would save people with a smile. She half listened as she began unpacking her new room, throwing in her opinion every now and again. Until he caught her off guard.

" So what do you want to be?"

Ayame set the book down that she was holding, her mind wondering before a grin settled on her face and she turned to Izuku.

" Well I want to be a hero as well, one that everyone looks up to and children want to be when they grow up, I don't want to be feared, so you're gonna have some competition for that top spot."

Izuku immediately grinned as he pumped his fist into the air.

"Your on."

Soon enough after a lot more chatter on heros, Izuku was called down to help with dinner leaving Ayame to unpack alone. As soon as her cousin had left she let out a sigh and sat on her bed. Staring aimlessly at the wall. She was mad at herself, how she couldn't remember, her past or her quirk. She would never become a hero that people look up to if she was quirkless. In a sprut of anger she punched a hole in the wall, instead of pain, she felt nothing. Quickly she reeled her hand back and stared, shocked at the tar substance that covered her hand, protecting her.

After a few moments of shock, it disappeared back into her skin. Leaving nothing but a deep hole in the wall. Her heart began racing, in excitement or fear, she didn't know. Quickly she covered the hole with a poster of AllMight before running downstairs to help with dinner. The feeling of the black substance on her hand made her feel powerful and that was a feeling she would cling to.

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