7. Gimme shelter

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Next morning I woke up to Max tickling my feet. It was still dark outside.

"What on earth are you doing up this early?" I asked, and tried to hide my legs under the blanket, which he didn't let.

"Come on Clara, we are going to work out!" he squealed and grabbed the blanket. "If I had to wake up to Jake's call then you're coming with me too."

I shook my head determined. No workout, maybe I still have a chance to go back to my own bed if I head straight home.

"No, because you know what? My uncle just called me and they have a medical emergency in Milton Keynes." I explained my randomly fabricated excuse. "So I have to leave immediately," I added and got up from the bed.

"Yeah, I guess then you're coming with me because Jake and I are going to Milton Keynes," he laughed and handed me a hot a cup of coffee.

"Fuck," I said and he smiled triumphantly. I grabbed the cup and drank the strong espresso.

"Don't worry, it's not gonna hurt only a bit," he said patting my arm.

"Well, that's what doctors usually say to patients, before an incredibly painful procedure," I looked at him as he grinned in his cup.

"Yeah, and Jake says it too."

As it turned out Red Bull Headquarters had an enormous gym complex and also a nice park to run around. Employees could use it in their freetime after work but Max and Jake usually came here as well to train while they're in England.

We greeted Jake who first hugged me and congratulated on my new job. We chatted a little then changed to our workout gear.

Jake promised me that he'd be gentle. I should've thought he was lying because of his wide smile. I got other tasks than Max, always easier ones with less repeats, but at the end of our two hour long workout session I felt completely destroyed. I put down the kettlebell I was holding and collapsed to the ground, sweating and grunting, while the other two were casually chatting next to me.

"Clara, you were good," said Jake. "You have to work out with us more," he added and handed me a bottle of water. I thanked and after drinking it I finally managed to get up.

I excused myself and headed to have a much needed shower.

Later, I went to the cafeteria to have a breakfast and spend the little time I had before the conference meeting that was scheduled for that day. I drank my coffee and ate my omelette in relative peace, then I headed to the top floor where the meeting rooms were.

Honesty, I didn't know what have I thought but not that I'd be introduced to a hundred people as first thing at that pre-China meeting.

As I entered the room, Vicky grabbed my arm immediately and seated me in the first row, next to Adrian and Gianpierre. Both of them greeted me with a smile. In a minute my uncle also arrived and the meeting started.

"Well, hello everyone," he began "First of all let me introduce you to my niece, Clara Horner who will also be our team doctor from next race!" he clapped smiling and the others followed. I felt my face turn red instantly. I've never liked to speak or be spoken of publicly. I stood up and turned to the crowd.

"Thank you Christian," I started. "I am really glad to have the opportunity to work in this great team," I smiled, because I saw Max grinning like a fool in the back row with Daniel.

"Also, I want you to feel free to find me with your problems, and I'd be glad to help," I added. Christian handed me a Red Bull t-shirt ceremoniously which I thanked than I sat down.

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