Chapter 3: Malkali!

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'I'll save you' I thought flinching at the sound emitting from the door. A large squeak had erupted from the lack of oil and care, which went perfectly with the deeply scarred wood used for the entire base material. It was silent. Silent until a hearty laugh had directed out attention to the creator.

"Ah, Boots! And Miss Royal Flush, I'm glad you could finally make it" Grernol grinned, his jagged teeth causing a horrible feeling to appear in my gut. His expression suddenly dropped, his deep green eyes stared straight into my shadowed E/C's. "You have completed your mission right?"

A shiver flew up my spine, the fear of him exploiting my weaknesses made my knees tremble. I dive my hand into my inner pocket, pulling out the four shiny red cards. The light reflected off them, seemingly to bounce straight into Grernols eyes. The grin once again overtook his face.

"Very nice! Now we must not wait any longer. Orun and Liana are almost prepared!"
Grernol excitedly blurted, motioning us to enter further with his large heavily scared hand.

As we began to walk, nervousness sat on my shoulders, the feeling weighing me down making me paranoid. Anything can happen at any moment, especially with Malkali on the line.

The corridor was quiet. On the walls were photos of previous winners, all smiling with glee. The other participants in the back were also cheering the winner on. It used to be so cheery, fun and fair but now the only winner walking out here alive is Grernol.

I turned my head towards 'Boots' only to regret it. A sadistic look was on his face, his pupils were so small that they were barely noticeable. A small smirk was etched on his face, the unevenness due to large scar made it even more frightening. He radiated danger, making me subconsciously walk further away from him.

"So Miss Royal, Where's that bird? He would normally be sitting on your shoulder-"

"-He's sick! He had a temperature when I had left to do my mission, so I left him in my room." I nervously interrupt, feeling the smirk behind me grow.

"Ah well that's understandable" Grernol muttered with a raspy voice.

The end of the corridor began to get brighter, the glowing light of the sunset some relief into me. Although the light wasn't what it used to be, it still allowed me to hope, to dream, to wish.

Thunderous booms erupted from Grernols feet, his heavy body caused the room to shake. Broken vases were left behind, some of the photos managed to fall down shattering the glass. Compared to the clicks of my boot heel, his was humongous. Just hearing him draw near to you was enough to frighten anyone.

We finally arrived at the end of the corridor. The small amount of heat lit up my face.

"Yuck! Why does she have to be here!" A high pitched voice groans in disgust. Her petite body was slouched against a chair allowing her teddy to hang loosely. A look of disgust was prominent on her child-like face.

"Because she's an important part to our plan. Now Liana, have you rigged as much as you can?"  Grernol questioned, the light glimmered off his spike-like hair. I shifted my feet nervously, my hands subconsciously grabbed onto each other.

"Tch, whatever. Yes, I did Sir."  She grunted rolling her eyes. Her body proceeded to get off the chair and walk towards the chief who was sprawled out on the floor. Loud snores enmitied from his uneven lips. Liana jumps on his exposed stomach causing his to immediately wake up. All the oxygen in him was forced out. His eyes bulged out of the sockets as his tongue wailed in the air.

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