Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


    I swing my backpack onto my shoulder as I rush outside. When I hop into the red convertible waiting for me in the driveway, August says something before I can.




    I give her a blank expression as she pulls out of my driveway. She keeps the top down, just as I prefer. “What about them?” I ask. She makes a POP sound as she pulls the red lollipop out of her mouth. “They’re all over my house, that’s what. “ I chuckle and throw my backpack in the backseat. “Did your dad let them in?” I ask, curious. August’s dad is an exterminator and he’s constantly bringing animals home from work. She peels her sunglasses off of her face and look over at me. “What do you think?” I laugh again, looking back at her.


    “Do you think Jason will ask you to prom?” she asks.


     I hate it when she talks about stuff like this. I lean my elbow on top of the door as I feel the wind rushing into my face.


    “I don’t know.” I shrug.


     “Maybe?” I say hesitantly. “If he did, you two would totally be a shoo-in for the spot of homecoming king and queen.” she replies in a sing-song voice. I glance at her in disbelief with my jaw hanging loose. “Are you serious?” I demand. I mockingly put a hand over my heart. “That would just be the best thing!”” I reply, imitating her voice. She waves her lollipop at me before licking it again. “Whatever. Deny it all you want. Just as long as I get to say ‘I told you so’ when you’re proven wrong.” I snort unladylike. “Sure.” I reply sarcastically as she pulls into the school parking lot.


    I reach for my jacket in the back seat and get my backpack When I meet August at the front of the car, she goes under a tree near the entrance of the school. We’re early, like always.. I lean against the trunk.


    “Did you get the dream again?” She questions, squinting her eyes from the sunlight.


    She’s the only one that knows about me dreaming that the world ends. And about the boy named Peter. The funny thing is that I’ve never met him.


    “Yep. The same dream about all the bombs and stuff like that, then he dies at the end.” She nods.


    “Do you know what the dreams mean?” Do they mean anything? I shrug, then let out a  sigh. “I really have no clue.” August chuckles then grabs my forearm. “Come on, let’s go to our lockers.” She tells me. I let her drag me along to our lockers. I throw my backpack inside and grab at the top to reach for my math notebook. Then I groan and turn to August. “We have a math test today, remember?”


    She rolls her eyes. Jesse, August’s boyfriend, comes up behind her and wraps an arm around her shoulder. They kiss, a little too sloppily for public, and I close my locker to start walking to math. Soon after, August comes rushing behind me. “Sorry about that.” she explain. “Didn’t get to see him all weekend.” I shrug. “Whatever. I sort of understand. I mean, I don’t have a boyfriend, but I’ll completely understand when I do,” I reply sitting down.


     She sits next to me and sighs. “Maybe if you would get over that crush on this Peter guy, you would actually keep your eyes open for guys instead of flat out rejecting and ignoring them.”


    I glare at her. “Only because the boys that talk to me are arrogant jerks.” I argue.


    “So, you would rather have an ignorant idiot than an arrogant jerk to date?”


     I sigh, shoving my books in the desk. “That really isn’t what I meant… but I don’t want either. I want a guy who wants to protect the people and things he loves. A guy that cares about you and isn’t afraid a crack a really bad joke.” I say.


     Her expression is blank. After a while she says, “Like Peter?” I hide back the smile and shrug, being vague. The teacher walks in before she can say anything else.


    Later that day, as August is driving me back to my house, I hear shouting, then muffled screaming from inside of a house. I slightly lean out of the car to see what’s happening. Some of this reminds me of my dream. The government trapping other people in the big cities. Not letting them be out and be free. I live in Chicago. As we speed past the house, I frown and sit back down in the tan leather seat, then lean my elbow on the door. August says, “What the heck was that about?” she asks. I wave her off.


    When she pulls up to my house, I tell her bye and I run inside and upstairs to my bedroom. The thing I absolutely hate about my room is that it’s got pink everywhere. Not my decision. So I usually spend all my time out on the balcony. I throw my backpack onto my bed and open the doors to the outside. The curtains flutter against the door like in some cheesy movie. I sit back in the chair and kick my feet up on the glass table. I don’t need this crap. I guess my mother just bought everything because she’s always gone at work or something. That’s what it usually is.




    Something slams me against the wall by my neck. A soldier has me hanging off of my feet and holding me up against a stone wall. The building is collapsing. I need to get out of here. I claw at the hand wrapped around my throat as I kick and writhe. Then, his hand goes limp as a piece of the concrete ceiling collapses on his back. He falls to the ground, bringing me with him. I crawl away from him, sparing him one last glance before I rush out of the door. His dead, blank eyes look into mine.


    I run through the crowded streets as soldiers are marching down the streets. Both ways. No escape. I curse under my breath as I run around the falling building. My blood runs cold when I hear gunshots and screams of my name. “Mia!’” I turn around and run back as soon as I recognize the voice. It’s Peter. We almost run into each other as we meet at the corner.


    He wraps his arms around me in a hug and I wrap my arms around his waist. He pulls back and puts my head in his hands, eyes searching for something. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” His fingers touch the bruises on my neck and I wince. His face contorts into anger. He gets distracted by a scream. We both look towards the source of the sound and see a woman on the ground with a soldier standing over her. “Help!” She screams. And he shoots her.

    I let out a strangled sob. They’re killing people! Don’t they know that?! Peter grabs my hand and drags me back around the building. His strong grip is the only thing keeping me from collapsing. He pulls me towards the forest behind the building. We’re on the edge of the city. Then, I’m being pulled away from the side. Another man in armor has the barrell of his gun against my temple. Right before he shoots, I hear a huge explosion, and everything is black.

A/N: Yeah, I updated early. LEAVE ME ALONE! Pretty please comment and vote. Thanks!

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