Chapter 2

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My eyes shoot open. I jerk up from my seat on the balcony, breathing heavily from the dream. It’s never really been that bad before. Or… vivid. It seemed almost real. I would’ve thought Peter was standing right next to me.


    I stand from my spot, my hands still incredibly shaky. I look up at the sky to see the full moon and the stars out. I’d slept for a couple hours, yet I was still pretty tired.


    The front door slams downstairs and I race down the stairs and through the many rooms to the foyer. My mother stands there, black high heels on and a revealing dress with a man in a tuxedo. When she notices me, her eyes bulge.


    “Mia, dear! I didn’t think you would be home yet,” she speaks. I crane my neck to look at the clock behind her, still being wary of the middle-aged man. “It’s almost 9. Of course I’m home.” She nods. I’m almost positive that she’s drunk.


    “Oh, well… goodnight.” Then she grabs the tie around the dude’s collar and practically drags him upstairs to the third floor that her room is on. My house is like a mansion. We got all the money from my father when he died before I was born.


    I roll my eyes at my mother in disgust and grab my coat and keys, racing out to the garage. August and I take turns carpooling each other each week. I hop into my Camry and turn the keys in the ignition. I’m not sure where I’m going yet, but I just want to leave this stupid house. I never wanted all of this.


    My mother just recently changed into this… monster a couple of years ago. I don’t even know what happened to her. The first man she brought home was whenever I was around 14. Now, she’s not a prostitute. She’s just his big company’s secretary. I doubt that’s what she’s getting paid for, though.


    I drive on the highways downtown Chicago without really a care in the world. At first I thought about going to August’s house, but I’m not sure that I would want to interrupt anything. Her family is a lot more functional than mine and I never liked dragging them into my family’s messes.


     Instead, I’m here. I turn up the soft music on my radio, contrary to the place around. Downtown Chicago is one of the most dangerous places in Illinois. I know from experience.


    After about fifteen minutes of driving, I sigh and start to head to August’s house. Just looking this whole place reminds me of the dreams.


    I drive out of the area and into August’s subdivision when I see something from my rearview mirror as I’m passing a random house. Something lies there in the lawn, but it’s too dark to see what.


    I pull over beside the driveway of August’s house, which isn’t very far from where I saw the thing in the grass. I jump out of the car and hug my jacket tighter around myself. Instead of walking up to the front door of the house,


    I decide to be snoopy and slowly walk back to the yard. When I see that no lights are on in the house, it eases my worry of getting caught,


    I slowly walk towards the thing. It almost looks like a person. I freeze when I’m not that far from it and my breath catches in my throat. A shiver runs down my spine.


    I can already make out the pointy nose through the thin grass. The hand is right side up, the palm looking up at the stars. I take one step closer and can see the mouth wide open on the man, as well as his white eyes.


    His face is an incredibly pale color. It doesn’t register for a moment. It’s almost like I don’t believe what I’m seeing for a moment. A man lying on the ground of his own lawn. I think I’d met this dude before.


    I take one step back. Then another and another until I run into the back of my own car and I’m hyperventilating. I run up to August’s front door this time, not hesitating to bang as loud as possible. I’m almost positive all the color has drained from my face, like that man…


    I feel the tears coming as soon as my best friend opens the door. She greets me with a smile that quickly fades when she sees my horrified expression A sob escapes my throat as she takes a step forward, grabbing hold of my arm. She looks at me with concern written all over her face, but it’s hard to process anything right now.

    I fall into a big sobbing mess and practically collapse. Her parents are at the door now. “A… a person… Oh, my God…” I manage. Then I scream from the top of my lungs right in August’s ear.    

A/N: Hey y'all! It's gettin' dramatic, ain't it? PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE AND ADD IT TO YOUR LIBRARAY AND ALL THAT GOOD STUFF! I'll love ya' for it! Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2014 ⏰

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