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last time on survi- I MEAN CRACKHEAD DRV3 CHATFIC:
Kaede throws the bouquet and it lands in Kokichi's arms.

Kokichi walks down the wedding aisle, extremely excited. He had a light purple dress on and and assortment of purple and blue flowers in his bouquet.

Shuichi was waiting for the love of his life to get under the arch with him patiently. He was very nervous but excited at the same time. He wore a suit with with a blue tie. His best man, Kaito stood next to him with a reassuring smile.

"You can do it!" He whispered.

Shuichi smiled back at him, but was still nervous. He could mess everything up on accident! But, he stayed calm. All for the sake of Kokichi.

Eventually, Kokichi met with Shuichi under the arch, smiling widely. But, it wasn't on of his creepy smiles... it was a legitimately happy smile. Shuichi blushed at this.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Shuichi Saihara and Kokichi Ouma in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

They smiled and held each other's hands.

"Shuichi... You.. I can't even begin to explain how wonderful you are.. well, the first time we met was back in high school. We met through friends. Rantaro knew you and he knew me so he introduced us. I was so glad he introduced us to each other, otherwise, we would've probably been screwed with our love lives." Kokichi laughs. "You.. have an awesome personality. You're shy and smart and you're beautiful- god I love you... ah- uhm.. heheh.. you.. fought with me when I hated life the most.. when we all had that dream? Yeah.. it made me so sad because.. I caused a death a-and.. yeah. You tried your best to help me and it sure did work! You're.. amazing."

Shuichi's face turned redder than a rose and breathed in deeply.

"Okay, Kokichi.. I love you so much and.. well I'll start from the beginning.. we met through Rantaro, he was and still is both of our friends. When I first saw you, I was intrigued by you. You were so shrouded in mystery and lies that I wanted to figure out what actually went on in your head. It was so confusing yet.. amazing. You're.. very childish.. i-in a good way! Your childlessness added to your personality and you just wouldn't be you if you didn't have that side of you.. and during that tragic event, I lost two people that were very important to me... they were my boost.. then they both died. It was despair-inducing but you helped ne through it. I love you so so so much."

Miu whispered to Kaede, "Why was Kokichi righttttt...."

"About what?"

"They're cuter I'm sorryy..."

Kaede wraps her arm around Miu's shoulder and snickers, "There's no reason to be sorry about.."

~Timeskip Because I SAY NO TO VOWS Because I Suck At Doing Them~

The two put the rings on their fingers.

"By the power vested in me by the Country of Japan, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom."

The two kiss for a long period of time.

Tsumugi screeches in the background because her ships.

Miu is crying because they're cuter than her and Kaede.

Kaede is holding Miu in her arms. (soft wifes,,,)

Rantaro and Korekiyo are leaning against each other smiling, though you can't see Korekiyo's smile.

Kaito and Maki are holding hands as well and Himiko and Tenko.

Angie is throwing confetti on the spaghetti on accident. (No Angie Noooo)

Kirumi, Kiibo, Gonta, and Ryoma just chilling in the back.

They finish up and eat the food.

Kokichi throws the bouquet and-

Kokichi throws the bouquet and-

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Just kidding you know who-

Rantaro catches the bouquet- WAIT NO

jk jk rantaro did
so some amaguji wedding nextttt

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