Part 1

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"Oh my glob Marcy it's not the end of the world." Bonnie says to me.

"C'mon yes it is. This school freaking sucks butt!" I say walking down the hall to my next class. I'm actually doing ok today, compared to other horrible days.

"Marcy just because you have to write a 5 paged paper about the Mushroom War doesn't mean that this school sucks. Remember it's almost impossible to get into Meatball Academy. Even if it's name is retarded." Bonnie's right. This school is one of the top in all of Ooo. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here.

"But Bonnie it's the MUSHROOM war. My war, the one I almost lost everything in. They couldn't do any other war!? It's stupid!" I'm pissed now realizing again the horrible things that happened during the war. Its so globing stupid!

"Marceline I know it sucks but it will be fine. Got to go to class! Bye!" She stumbles with her things and runs to her next class. Probably advanced, advancement classes in advanced science. Glob she's smart. Unlike me who is just going to music/choir. I hate our teacher but love the class.

Oh right we have a new kid in class. I think his name is Marcel? Marvil? Maxwel?
"Hello class today we have anew student Marshal Lee," says Mrs. Symbol the jerky old lady who sings like an elephant. Some talking start saying that Marshal was hot and he is a great singer and a... Vampire? "Quiet down class, here he is. You can sit over there by Marceline and Lumpy space princess. Okay everyone take-" I sone out for a while then realize there's a new smell in the air. Oh yeah Marshal Lee is sitting by me. Damn he is kinda cute.

- oh glob Marcy what are you thinking!

"Hey are you from heaven? Cuz you look like an angel." Oh. My. God. He actually just ask that? I've been waiting for this my whole life! He was smirking like he was the funniest guy in the world. I batted my eyes and pushed my hair back all sexy like. and looked in his eyes dead serious and said,

"No, honey, I'm a demon. I crawled my way up from hell." He stared at me dumbfounded then smirked and laughed.

"Nice try, honey. I'm a demon too. Vampire to be exact. Actually are you also a vampire?" He stared at me. God he was kind or perfect. His voice was deep and luxurious, his style was amazing, he was really cute and... and. Glob I need to stop. I just met the guy.

"Um yeah I'm a vampire." I said.


Marshals POV

Wow this school is amazing! It's so big and by the looks of it everyone likes me so far. So now I have Music/ choir. Ew Choir. Why can't we just have a rock out session like all day. I guess I'm sitting by this purple cloud thing and some really hot chick. She hasn't told me her name yet but she's a vampire like me. Hope fully we get along.


Authors Note

Ok hey guys you're probably skipping over this but who ever reads this I hope you like New Beginnings and comment and give me tips. If u love it great if u hate it that's ok too. I'll try to update every week but SORRY if I don't. love you guys!!!!!

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