Lesson of Chess

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I learnt to play chess from my father when I was five year old. I played with my brother, father and sometimes even my grandfather. They all were so good at it that I never won. Call me dumb if you wish to, for I did myself. But now, in my twenties, I have won. Not against one of them, no I still lose to them. I won against other. And that first victory was so sweet!

It was that day, that I understood why I always lost. Yes, the game is basically about war, you move your pawns and try to capture opponents king. But there lies a deeper meaning than that. All these years I have been overlooking the main point of Chess.

Chess is not about mourning for the dead pawn, but planning how to use the alive ones smartly.

We often lose ourselves in past, thinking about what would have happened if we would have taken the other path. And while thinking about it, we tend to ignore the possible new paths that are opening before us.

Past is like a city map. You can refer to it, but to travel, you need to close it and look around to find the way.


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