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Beginning with dusks end, upon which our tale now opens its turned page,  

Forested hills and their misty valleys dressed in twilight shall't be the stage.

Predators abound in this setting, some winged, many  afoot, prowling about,

With one of note crouched in a high heather niche, masque'd eyes with he did scout.


Not a stone's throw away, coaches and carriages to a country manor obediently came

Dapper Lords led shimmering ladies inside,  like handsome moths,  gathered to the flame.

In the candlelit courtyard of an Earls manor, these summoned quests entreat,

A lavish evening of dance, food, drink and, for some, adventures of dark intrigue


When the brisk autumn moon rises, o'er this late evening it forebodingly looms,

As a great horned owl glides in, wings beat with a noiseless swoon.

While other predators prowl, searching hungrily in the night,

This one doth settles in a courtyard tree, ending its fruitless flight.


This ancient oaken loft, just outside the manors' courtyard, bathed in moonlite stood tall,

Reflecting in its long shadows, a second sinister figure climbing ov'r the near stone wall.

Reaching the oak, the figures grin spreads evilly 'neath his masque and tri cornered hat,

Giving the owl high above, a reason to look all about, its hungry eyes large as a tawny cat.


Now long shadows begin reaching, creeping up the walls of the stoned country estate,

Ghostly shadows in the making, inhabitants inside merrily unaware of what they create.

As the door closes on the last lady, jewels all a glimmer extinguish, tempts the hungerin fates,

While inside the house all shimmers, but outside a Lady's destiny patiently through the hours awaits.


Two predators stand watch ov'r the rambling manor, one sneers, the other hoots a mournful call,

Unheard by the opulently attired couples still dancing, swirling majestically, within its great halls.

The predators both stiffen with interest, upon hearing a pair of side oak doors opening creak,

Then hesitantly stepping into the cool air outside, a shadow emerges, feminine, swishing and sleek.


A lady of classic beauty pauses, looking to see if her hired coach and pair still waits,

Ravishingly, she slowly sweeps down the marble stairway, downward to the courtyard gate.

Elbow length gloves, matched the satin evening gown flowing, elegantly creating an image of astound,

Our damsel slowly walked to the hired carriage, regal as the tiara she wore like a princess's crown.


Firelight bustlingly ripples as her shapely figure enters a pool of pale moonlight,

White Diamonds sparkled and played, flickering like small lit fires into the night.

Highwayman's Lament A PoemWhere stories live. Discover now