The Big Three

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                           Percy's POV

         "Percy!" Peter yelled, "Get up!" 

"I'm fine, thank you," I mumbled, rolling deeper into the thin blanket.

"It's 6:00 you should've been up half an hour ago," Harry bellowed from across the cramped room.

"Dam." I sputtered, it was my turn to make breakfast for the others.

"I already did," Peter said.


"I made breakfast so you wouldn't get in more trouble," he replied smiling.

Peter was fifteen making him the oldest kid here; He protects the others. I try to protect him, but he won't let me, he says I'm too young. I'm eleven I can take on a few drunk houseparents.

Harry is ten, only a few months younger than me. People say we look like twins: we both have black hair, green eyes, and small noses. I love them both as if they were my biological brothers.

About the whole 'trouble' thing; the house parents hate me. They say I look like a troublemaker; I guess I do with my wild hair and what they call a 'lopsided smirk,' but I can't control that! The other day I accidentally bumped into the Housemother. Big mistake; after getting slapped around for a few minutes I was locked in the closet for a whole day with no food or water. Yeah, the houseparents are total oafs.

I hate it here, I tried everything to get out. I wanted my mom back. She died in a car crash when I was five; that left me to my idiotic stepfather Smelly Gabe. I hate him with every fiber of my being. He used me as a human ashtray, if I was lucky a human punching bag too. hint the sarcasm. My first-grade teacher saw the marks and called the police, they sent me here; here isn't any better. I would tell the authorities about what's going on, if I wasn't scared to go someplace worse; that's what happened last time who's to say it won't happen again?

I got dressed and tiptoed my way downstairs, careful not to wake the house parents, all the food is gone, but that's okay it means the others got to eat. I'm happy about that.

Peter and I gathered the rest of the kids and started the journey to our schools. Most of the kids are in elementary school or daycare, a few in middle school, two in junior high, and one in Highschool. We drop the younger ones off and continue walking towards the middle school. Harry and I say goodbye to Pete as we strut into school.

I hate school. I'm dyslexic and have ADHD I'm NOT a teacher's pet. The kids stay out of my way the bruises make me look like I get into a lot of fights, I do. Everyone loves to pick on Harry he's small and easy to pick on; I don't like it when someone is picked on, we deal with enough bullies at home I don't want to see Harry deal with them here.

"Yo, four-eyes!" Brock yells down the hall, as he walks over to him.

"Crap," I hear Harry mutter.

"Hey! peanut brains, I'm talking to you,"

He goes to grab Harry's hair, but I grab his wrist.

"Oh, I didn't know you were here." He tries desperately to pull away, but I punch his face.

"Perseus Jackson!"

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