Chapter 2

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Link and I walked side by side as we entered hyrule field. I was shocked to see so many monsters crowded up together. I unsheathed my sword and ran into battle. Link took on a lizalfos by himself. He used a spin attack and kept cornering the reptile. Hitting the lizalfos with slashes from his sword. I took on a bokoblin giving a jump attack, I cut the thing open. Having it turn into black goo from death. The goo then seeped into the ground like nothing was there. I sighed until I turned around to see Impa with her hands on her hips. The mom stance.

"Princess (Name) Zelda told you to stay in the castle!" Impa scolded as she pointed her finger towards me.

"Impa I'm not a kid anymore I can protect myself!" The cries of war were getting to me.

The sound for cries of pain and suffering was so hard to ignore. Between both hylians and monsters.

I never had experienced such gruesome events. Only in stories and history lessons but never this. But I knew it was time to get over my fears. It was war and war was not beautiful. Nor was it fair.

"No you cant!" Impa tried to lunge for me. She grabbed my arm I threw her hand off.

"Ugh Ill show you!" I yelled and I ran off.

I could hear Impa yelling after for me to come back. This was all making me sick to my stomach. I just wanted to show them. I wanted to show them all how strong I was. I knew I had some courage in me. That's what I thought until I bumped into someone, then falling into the dirt.

"Hey wh-" I looked up at who I bumped into.

A man in red armor. He looked big and brawn. He had a dragon like helmet on with a red ombre ponytail in the back. His armor was scaly and shiny. I was terrified at the way he glared at me. I shuddered at his gaze. He pointed his sharp spear towards me. I gulped the last of my pride up. Still on the floor I looked into his lifeless eyes.

"S-sorry sir." I weakly smiled.

"Your one of the Princesses." He said in a cold tone.

"What makes you say that...heh heh." I nervously looked away.

"You'll be coming with me..." He said blankly.

"W-what?" I said shocked

"No you will not!" Link yelled from behind me.

Link jumped up and slashed his sword downward. The man in crimson dodged the attack by jumping back. I saw the red armored man glare at Link and chuckle.

"You puny little humans and your pride. I guess Ill have to smash it." The man sneered.

"Link don't-"

"Don't worry I can handle it (Name)." Link smiled at me.

Link lunged torwards the man yelling a war cry. Their weapons collided Link being pushed back a few inches from the crimsons mans brute force. The man then swung at Link having To force link to use his Shield. Link then pushed the Shield up so he can swing at the man. The man pushed Link downward having the rod of the spear push down on Links throat. I tried to intervein but bokoblins where then surrounding me. I tried to use my sword to defend myself. But one of the bigger bokoblins caught the blade in midair. I then tried to run but found myself cornered. I then stumbled onto my behind and was scrambling to get away. I was filled with fear as the bokoblins held there weapons up.

"Stop you fools!" A raspy voice yelled from behind.

I looked up and saw a floating cloaked eye looking at me.

"We need her Cia's orders." The eye commanded.

"No you wont hurt her!" Impa jumped from behind the cloaked eye giant blade raised to kill the monster infront of me. The blade collided with the stone ground, missing the it completely due to it disappearing into a purple fog.

I was then grabbed behind by a strong pair of arms from my waist and lifted into the sky.

"Impa!" I yelled reaching for her.

Yet she was to far from me. I was being held in the sky by a dragon knight. I then saw her form disappear from sight.

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