Lady Thorn

80 17 3

(Ode to myself)

she thought she was a flower like everybody else, but she came to realize that every flower has its own kind

they are different from each other
each has distinct features, and unique beauty.

she thought she was a white lily, so pure and innocent

later, she dreamt to be a yellow- the sunflower who gives radiance and sunshine.

but holding happiness on your side is a battle, so she become the red one, the red rose who is bold and elegant.

yet her every battle is an autumn—brown and dry, so she prayed for a green flower

she yearns for inner peace and healing like spring

but they are not flowers if they're green

you will not be a flower anymore, you'll be a leaf.

a leaf who is common and but needed everywhere

confusion flooded her---be royalty of shades of violet, or the melancholic blue? she was drowned with their dangerous beauty.

she thought she had what it takes to be a flower but she have many shades.

These shades are mixed, blurred and dull----a void.

she is dark and shady, then she knew from then on that she is not a flower

she is a thorn

the thorn is designed meticulously

it has the purpose to protect herself

it existed to be strong
it existed for intruders
it existed to build walls and to draw proper distance.

thorn can be a pain for those who will attempt hold it tightly

No one should hold a thorn
it is crafted that way

a thorn requires isolation
loneliness isn't a bother
she is lonesome from the start

some really wanted to accept the thorn
but don't do it for pity
for the thorn always stands proud with spike and pride

don't dream to protect her either for
she can handle herself well

if you care for thorn
be with her properly
Support her like a stem

be a stem who will be forever committed to her.

she will hold unto you
she will need you because you are one with her

but such stem is rare
a stem who is born to be with a thorn

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