Chapter 1- Trypanophobia

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chapter 1- Trypanophobia

~J A C K~

"Stop it! No!" I screamed and tried to push the doctor off of me. Two nurses were holding down my arms and legs as the doctor put his arm over my chest, holding me down.

"Jack! We're trying to help you! You need to take your medicine!" Dr. Hartz yelled, holding the needle in the hand that wasn't holding me down. My eyes starred at the needle, my heart pounding. I hate needles with a passion. There is no way in hell am I letting them stick that in me.

"Fuck you!" I yelled, and kicked the nurse off of me. With my legs free, I kicked the nurse holding my arms, and kneed the Doctor in the side. He didn't let go of me, but the other nurses wouldn't hold onto me again, knowing just how violent I can get.

"Jack! You need to calm down! You need to take your medicine!" Hartz yelled, trying to be calm, yet his voice was laced with anger. "I don't need any damn medicine! Get off me!" I yelled.

I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Jacklyn Maze, but I go by Jack. I'm 17, 5'4, and supposably biopolar, schizophrenic, suicidal, have a major case of trypanophobia (fear of needles) which causes me to become violent, and a few other things that aren't true. You see, Phoenix Hills mental hospital for the Criminally Insane doesn't have many 'patients', more like prisoners. And if they don't have enough of us 'patients' they'll run out if business, and they can't have that can they?

Notice I said, Criminally Insane. Well, supposably, I killed my whole family during one of my schizophrenic attacks. I can't remember anything of that night except waking up with an axe in my hand and being covered in blood with my family mutilated throughout the house. Brutal right? That was a year ago.

I can't deny that I did it, because I honestly don't know, so know I'm stuck in this hell hole. At least they let us wear whatever we want.

"Jack, stop making this difficult!" Hartz yelled, the needle getting closer and closer to my delicate skin. Tears streamed down my eyes as I watched in slow motion, the needle getting terrifyingly close. "NO!" I yelled and bit the damn doctor. He jumped off me, cursing like a sailor.

"Stay the fuck away from me!" I yelled and bolted towards the door, my bright red hair flying behind me. Voices shouted after me. Footsteps raced down the hall behind me.

"Jacklyn! Get back here!" The voice of a nurse yelled. I kept running until I got to the cafeteria where I searched desperately for a hiding spot. Panic dances through me as I remembered the needle, coming closer and closer to me. Okay, so maybe some of my diagnosis' were true.

The footsteps neared, and I still hadn't found any where to hide. "GO AWAY!" I yelled and jumped over the counter where they served the food, grabbed a knife from the knife drawer, and curled in a corner.

"Just go away. Please. Go away." I whispered, my breath rapid. I really, really, really, hate needles. Really.

"Jack please come out. We won't give you a shot." A nurses voice called out. "LIAR!" I yelled stupidly, blowing my cover. Whispers echoed through the room, and I felt myself black out.

A scream pierced through my mind and the black disappeared. The scene in front of me confused me. I was in the middle of the cafeteria now. A few nurses were laying on the ground, whimpering in pain. Others were looking shocked, or talking on walkie-talkies, calling for back up. Where's dr. Hartz? I felt something in my arm wiggle and I looked down.

I had Dr. Hartz in a headlock, the knife I grabbed earlier held to his neck. I gasped, and dropped him and the weapon. Tears started to stream down my eyes and I pushes myself up against the nearest wall, away from the people I also made my victims.

"I'm-I'm-im so-sorry." I whimpered. "It's okay Jack. Just come with-" "no! What if I hurt you?" I cried, "you won't hurt us Jack." Dr. Hartz said gently. Any One would ask why he's so calm with the situation, but you have to think. Here at Phoenix hill, he's the one who takes care of the more 'dangerous' patients, including me.

"How do you know that? I could hurt anyone at any damn time! Stop saying I won't hurt you when you can't know for sure!" I yelled angrily, showing my bipolar tendencies.

"Jack.." "No! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" I yelled fiercely, grabbing the sides of my head with my hands. "Don't make us do this the hard way Jack." A nurse said calmly. "Fuck you!" I yelled a her, she shut her trap an looked at Dr Hartz, asking what to do.

Hartz sighed and pulled out his walkie talkie. "Code 203." He sighed into the stupid communication device. I've heard that before. 203. 203. 203. 203...oh hell no!

"No please! I'll go with you! No 203! I'll go!" I begged walking towards the doctor and holding out my hands, waiting for him to out on my hand cuffs.

"Recall on 203. Cancel code 203." He said into the talker and grabbed the hand cuffs off his belt, turned me around, and clamped the cuffs a little too tightly on my wrists. I have scars around my wrists from these damn things, but their better then 203.

What's 203 you may ask? Well, it consists of security holding me down, shoving a few needles in me, and locking me up in a cell for two weeks in the dark while coming in every day to make sure I knew my place, otherwise known as turning me into a punching bag. Yeah,not happening.

"Thank you for cooperating Jack." Dr. Hartz said as a few security guards walked around me as we walked back to my room.

Most of the other patients were asleep, and the ones that weren't were peeking out of their rooms and saying hello. Id wave as best as a person can while their in hand cuffs and smile lightly, asking them how their day went.

"Here we are. Room 54." Dr. Hartz smiled and eke me in the room. "Home sweet home." I said sarcastically. "There's the Jack I know." Dr. Hartz smiled, putting on a friendly act, though I knew just how much of an asshole he could be.

"Here, take these." He handed me eight different pills which I popped in my mouth and hid under my tongue. "Open up." He said to make sure I swallowed them. I opened my mouth, the pills undetectable. "Good girl." He smiled. "I'm not a fucking dog." I growled. He smiled innocently at me. "I just ment that you actually swallowed them this time. Now get some sleep Jack. A new patient is coming tomorrow. Perhaps you'll make friends." He walked out, and shut the door behind him. They never locked our room doors around here, unless it was for something like 203 but those are completely different cells. It's supposed to make us feel more at home here and less like we're in prison. They'll have to do a lot more then let me come in and out of my cell as I please to make this seem less like a prison.

"Make friends my ass." I whispered and spit the pills into my rooms garbage can under the other junk.

I sighed and laid down on the bed, starring up at the ceiling. I started to sing 'the hanging tree' song that I read in the third hunger games book: MockingJay, and heard the hospital quiet as my fellow patients listened to the song dancing out of Cell 54.

Hey guys! I hope you liked it! I'll be introducing a certain tattooed bad boy next chapter! I love you guys!!!!


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