|17|: The morning after

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*Hey there, everyone! I'm back! I'm sorry that I quit this book, for as long as I did; but, I'm back in business!

*I owe it to all my loyal readers, to finish this book and give the characters the ending they deserve. So, let's get to it!


I woke up the next morning, and Sebastian was by my side. I remembered last night and my face turned beet red. I feel a little embarrassed, for how I acted.

I sat up, and pulled the sheets over my body to cover myself. I'm not usually the kind of girl who sleeps with someone after only knowing them, for a short time. But, what can I say; this is Sebastian Michaelis we're talking about... how could I resist?


Celeste looked down at Sebastian. He seemed to be asleep. Demons, don't usually sleep; he must've been a little tired after last night.

After staring for a moment, Celeste started to feel a little awkward. So, she got out of bed and decided to draw herself a bath.

She filled the tub, with warm water and let herself sink into a world of pure bliss, as the warmth enveloped her.

As she sat in the tub, she flashed back to the night before and a smile graced her face. It was the first time in a while, that Celeste felt at home.

"You look cozy." A smooth familiar voice said, breaking Celeste out of her daydream.

Her eyes shot open, and she looked up to see Sebastian standing over her, smiling mischievously.

"Wh-what are you doing in here?!" She asked embarrassed as she shrunk down in the water.

Sebastian chuckled. "I woke up, and you weren't in bed; so I was concerned. But then I heard noise coming from the bathroom, so I decided to investigate." Celeste smiled up at him. "I decided to take a bath. I need one."

A mischievous glint, appeared in Sebastian's eyes. "How about I help you wash?" He offered.

  "I guess that would be alright." She replied, in a rather seductive tone.


I'm in the bathtub and Sebastian is washing my back... what the hell am I doing?!

Whenever I'm around him, I'm like a different person. It's like I can't help myself. I just hope that no one ever has to see my momentary lapse in judgment.

Suddenly, the door swung open. "Sebastian, are you in there? Is Celeste awake ye-" was all Ciel said, before he stopped talking and witnessed the sight before him.

He blushed profusely and then slammed the door shut. I would usually be embarrassed, but instead I laughed.

"Who knew that Ciel was capable of acting like a little child?" I said, as I covered my mouth in a failed attempt to contain my laughter.

Sebastian chuckled with me. "Even my young lord, is rendered a mere child, at the sight of a beautiful naked woman." He said smoothly.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Such a charmer." I said; Sebastian smirked at me.

"I'm clean now. You should probably go attend to Ciel." I instructed. Sebastian nodded, and told me that he would meet me outside, when I was finished in the bath. Then, he left to go attend to Ciel.

'What am I doing? I shouldn't be wasting my time fooling around. I need to get home. Why do I always, seem to forget that?' I thought annoyed, as I got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around myself.

That girl: a Black butler fanfic; COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now