[V I R G I L]

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Virgil's POV

I had just finished writing my suicide notes for everyone and someone would have to break the news to Thomas. If you're wondering, they were all out on a week camping trip without me because I told them I was sick, it was day 2 and I was planning on killing myself tomorrow. Why? Because I don't belong with them, Thomas wouldn't have to deal with being anxious anymore, Roman wouldn't have to deal with arguing and looking at my ugly self, Logan wouldn't have to debate with me anymore, Patton wouldn't have to calm me down anymore and I won't have to be in pain anymore. All of the sides hate me, except Patton so why live. And I'm going to get a good night's sleep before ending my misery.

~Time skip~

I wake up drowsy, not wanting to get up but I do anyway. I get dressed in my favorite outfit and go downstairs set each of the notes on the table from who I like the most to who I hate and an additional note for all of them. I started to make myself some breakfast before I head out, if I didn't mention I'm jumping off the tallest building in our town. It's the best way I can think of.

After I finish eating I grab some wine and my special wine glass, my bag, grab the car keys and say my final goodbye to our house filled with old memories.

When I get there I have to take 86 flights of stairs before getting to the ladder for the roof but it was all going to be worth it soon.

I'm hanging my feet off the edge smoking a cigarette while pouring my wine into the glass. After I finish my smoke I start sipping on my wine, thinking about what is going to happen after I die.

About 30 minutes go by and I finally finish the whole bottle of wine, completely drunk by now. I stand up on the edge being careful not wanting to fall off quite yet. I am standing on the edge now thinking about them being happy without me.

They say life flashes before your eyes before you die, I'll finally be able to experience that. Standing there feeling the light breeze across my face. I jump.

Life really does flash before your eyes before you die.


~6 months ago~

*knock knock*

"Come in!" I called out.

"Would you like to help me finish the scrapbook I made for Patton's birthday?" Logan said as he walked into the room.

"Yeah, I would love to!" I said in genuine happiness.

~a couple months ago~

"Hey Virgil!" Roman called out.

"Yeah" I yelled from the kitchen.

"Do you wanna watch The Nightmare Before Christmas with me?" Roman said walking closer to the kitchen.

"Sure, there's nothing better to do..." I shrugged.

"YEAH! SEE LOGAN HE LIKES ME!!" Roman yelled upstairs.

"I didn't say that- you know what whatever" I said.

~A couple weeks ago~

"Hey Pat" I said nervously.

"Yeah kiddo!" Patton said happily.

"I just wanted to tell you I love you.... I know I might not show it but I do" I confessed.

"Aw, thanks kiddo..." Patton said with a smile, "I love you too Virge!"

~A couple days ago~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2020 ⏰

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