2~ 6-8 Years Old

102 3 0

Age 6: Atsuko and Ghosts

"Oh, and then we talked about animals in science today! That was really fun!" Zero pauses by the playroom as he hears Atsuko talk, he hears him pause, silence is in the room before he starts to talk again like as if someone responded to him.

"Atsuko? Who are you talking to?" Zero knocks on the wall so as not to startle his son. Atsuko looks away from the empty space beside him and smiles up at his father.

"I'm telling Uncle about school today!" He tells Zero like as if there actually was someone beside him right now. Although, he doesn't doubt it too much since he did see Ichiru at least twice before and a bit after his sons were born. He hasn't seen him since, so he figured he passed on, or it was just his head playing tricks on him.

"Oh? What uncle?" He then thinks about Kaname since that is his uncle as well. He seriously doubts it, though.

"Uncle Ichiru! He says you can't see him anymore, but he's always with you because you're one again. What does that mean?" Zero is startled. A part of him didn't actually believe he could see spirits, but he's saying things neither him nor Alondra have talked to him about. Zero looks back as Alondra comes by. He stops her, and she looks at him curiously.

"Did you talk to Atsuko about Ichiru?" He questions her as she tilts her head. Then she snaps.

"Oh! You mean like how he can see spirits! Ugh, is he still hanging around?"

"Uncle, that's not nice to say to Mama!" Atsuko scolds what looks like the air to his parents. Alondra glares at the space but sees nothing.

"Atsuko, I'm done. I'm so bored." Rei walks in between his parents and goes over to snuggle up to his little brother. Atsuko smiles and hugs him.

"Hey Rei, can you see him too?" Alondra asks him as he looks back to where she's pointing.

"See who? Mama, you're crazy." Zero holds Alondra back, and Rei takes cover under Atsuko's shirt.

"Zero, your brat of a son is getting way too sassy." Alondra puffs her cheeks.

"Wonder where he gets it from?" Zero comments sarcastically, and Atsuko giggles.

"Papa and Uncle said the same thing." Atsuko pats Rei on the back until he comes back out. Atsuko looks at his stretched out shirt and pouts.

"Geh, the magic of twins. . . And I couldn't see it!" Alondra whines at Zero and hugs him. He just sighs and smiles.

"Good to see my stubborn big brother as happy and in love as ever." Atsuko looks up at Ichiru and nods. He looks over at his nephew and ruffles his hair before adjusting it again.

"Oh! Rei, let's see your homework now! You better have done well!" Alondra tells her son, who looks at her with a bored expression.

"I know I did it right, Mama." Alondra pouts at him, and Rei sighs as he gets up. She brightens up, and Zero smiles as they head out.

"How about we check yours, Atsuko?" Zero walks over to sit beside his youngest. He grins happily and shows him his work. He takes it and looks it over, helping him out with any of his mistakes and teaching him how to correct them.

"Thanks for the help, Papa!" Atsuko smiles brightly as he puts his homework away neatly. Zero nods and takes his backpack, standing up from the floor.

"Atsuko is... never mind. Go wash up. It'll be dinner shortly." Zero says to him. Atsuko tilts his head but smiles and nods. He runs out past Zero to the bathroom. Zero looks around the room, but he's completely alone. "Ichiru, thanks for watching over the boys."

Vampire Knight: My Nine Months Plus One (Sequel to 'If Yuki Had A Sister)EditedWhere stories live. Discover now