Silent Tears Chapter 1

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                                     Silent Tears -Chapter One (Edited)

This story has been started because the previous story Lonely has for some reason been erased from both Wattpad and my laptop. I apologise but I will not be re-writing Lonely

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Grace's P.O.V.

I pulled my hoodie tighter around my face. I sat alone at a table on the edge of the cafeteria, isoslated from all the mindless chatter. I stared at the table and picked at lunch. It consisted of a chicken mayonnaise sandwich, a bottle of water and a bag of apple flavoured jelly beans. I was never without a bag of jellybeans. I had started about four years ago when I made it my mission to have a different flavour everyday for a month and I succeeded. But when- the incident- happened a couple of years after, I went into a state of pure indifference, my mum decided she would give me jelly beans everyday to give me some normality and remind me of times before it happened. She got the idea out of some therapy book. Seeing as I haven't talked in three years I would say it hasn't been successful as successful as she hoped,  but I love her for trying, I really do.

I love her even more though because she stayed. A lot of others would have just sent me back to the home. You see my mum, isn't my mum. I'm in foster care. They would adopt me, I'm sure of it, but I have living relatives. Or so I'm told. But honestly I wish they'd never told me that. To know that they were able to have  saved me from the system and just didn't want me. And they stand between me and the only family I know. It's something i honestly can't forgive.

A lock of hair fell into my eyes. I stood up and dropped my uneaten lunch into the trash, not hungry now my thoughts had turned so glum, and started heading towards my locker. On the way I had to pass the "cool" table. The table containing the usual stereotype bleach blonde cheerleaders and heavily muscled jocks. It was just like one of those teen-angst films. As I passed, I could't help but overhear the sniggering and stupid comments about my appearance, which was idiotic because they had never even seen my face. I had never taken my hoodie off in front of anyone from school. I just sighed and shook my head in pity. Poor small minded dumbasses.

"You got a problem?" I spun round and saw the queen bee herself staring at me. I just lowered my head and looked at the grease covered floor, clenching all my muscles in an attempt to remain unresponsive. I couldn't stand her. Her name was Tyler Peppers and she was... one of the most beautiful people I've ever met.  There was no denying it. Her hair fell perfect and she looked angellic with her wide crystel blue eyes. However her beauty was truely only skin deep, she had an ugly personality, "Oh, yeah... you don't speak." She sneered at me her pretty face contorting into a foul expression of hate. Hell yeah I hadn't spoke. What was the point in it, words only had meanng if there was someone to listen and God knows, no one woud listen to me.

"Shut it Tyler! God you're such a bitch!" The cafeteria fell silent instantly. No one. Stood up. To Tyler. And especially not for someone like me. Every one looked to find the source of the voice. Tyler's face become one of pure fury as if she would march into hell and scare the devil himself. No one was expecting my saviour to be Tyler's boyfriend. Jake Rickie. The golden boy in school. Even he looked shocked. Like he couldn't believe he had said it. I didn't have time to stand around and question his motives.  I couldn't care less. I just had to get out. Tyler was going to flip and I did not want to be caught in the cross fire. If I stuck around, the outcome was sure to be caastrophic. And so I took the cowards way out, I ran like death itself was chasing me.

Jake's P.O.V.

"Quick everyone look away, Medusa coming!" They all laughed for some unknown reason. Or if there was a reason I coudn't see it. I just sat there. I didn't care for these people and their mindless worship of my girlfriend. To be honest, it was about time I broke off our relationship, she a seemed much nicer when we first met. Then being with her became nothing short of an obligation. These idiots didn't even realise. To these people appearance was everything. Grace's was a mystery.  The only reason we knew her name was that the teacher introduced her on her first day. The weird chick started half way through a term. No one had any idea why.

I was jerked back into reality by Tyler standing up from besides me.

"Oh yeah... you don't speak!" I rolled my eyes.  I guess now is as good as ever. It was time to end our sham of a relationship. Tyler needs to learn that not everyone bows at her feet and if someone doesn't respect you, you don't have the right to bully them into submission.

"Shut it Tyler! God you're such a bitch!" I scowled at my girlfriend. Everyone stared at me. We had become the lunch time entertainment. I got to admit, I felt a little shocked at the anger in my voice. I mean sure I didn't like Tyler but something about this situation had me quite worked up.  Even Grace was staring at me. I swear I saw a flicker of green eyes underneath her grey hoodie. Even if I'm slightly creeped out by the eyes I could feel staring from almost every direction, I knew I was making the right decision.

"Did you just stand up for the freak? Did you? Well?" I just stared at her. She stared back, her gaze hard. I knew what I had to do. I had to trust and think for myself again. Instead of listening to Tyler. Instead of sitting and ignoring it. I should have done this sooner. Stopped Tyler. Don something. Protected all those people she's insulted.

 "Yes." I stated simply, leaving no room for confusion. A gasp filled the cafeteria as everyone acted as one. It was almost comical. How my life had turned into a high school drama all because of this infuriating blonde. "Yes, I did." I nodded and stepped around her. But not before glancing at her and saying "Oh by the way if it wasn't obvious we're over." I was so proud of that. Just the perfect amount of jackass.

She huffed and stormed off. I chuckled and shook my head at her childlike behaviour. Everyone stared at me in a bizarre mix of shock and awe. I had done it. I was proud of myself. It was a relief to finally remove Tyler from my life even if I could sense it was not the last I'd heard from Tyler Peppers.

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This might not be correct with the rest of the story yet. But don't worry it'll get there hopefully.

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