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/Mermaid Au/  

because why not. Sorry for any mistakes 


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"Hurry up Hongjoong or we're leaving you here"

Yelled San 

Hongjoong rushed down to the car ready to head to the beach 

"I'm ready" He hopped into the seat buckling up

after he placed his surfboard on the roof of the car.


"Mingi you know your dad is going to get furious for not going to training again" 

Mingi's best friend warned being the cautious type

"Seonghwa does it look like i want to be king of the sea, why doesn't he just get yunho to train to be king."  he rolled his eyes as he made a crown with seaweed placing it one Seonghwa's head 

"well i'll be off Seonghwa if you need me you know where i'll be" Mingi swam off to his secret cave he found as a kid.


"I'm going to catch a wave have Yeosang help you"Hongjoong ran off  towards the ocean before Yeosang or San could grab him.

After catching a few waves he relaxes on his surfboard not knowing he caught the eye of a certain red head from below.

"Hello " He spoke making Hongjoong jump a bit 

"sorry didn't mean to scare you" Mingi said as Hongjoong sat up 

"Who are you" he asked admiring the boys features 

"I'm Mingi " he smiled

"I'm Hongjoong may i touch your tail it's very pretty " He was in awe at the sight of Mingi's tail.

After their small introduction they talked for hours getting to know each other Mingi was surprised at the fact that Hongjoong didn't freak out in the beginning.

"before you leave if you ever want to meet up again i have a secret cave around here i would love to show you" Mingi swam showing the way to Hongjoong 

"i'll try to come almost everyday" he smiled 

from that day on the boys spent their days together having fun and growing closer.


"What do you mean you're in love with a land walker" Seonghwa freaked

"He has a name you know and besides i can love whoever i want" he rolled his eyes 

"I know but why  a land walker"  he questioned

"what about land walkers Seonghwa "the King said as he swam in 

"oh nothing your majesty "he bowed 

"Oh Mingi do be here tonight we're having dinner with your future wife"

Mingi sat there stunned 

"Your'e not marrying me off to some mermaid are you" he huffed as he started to get upset 

"yes we are to make the kingdom stronger "he responded

"sorry but my hearts taken" he swam away only to be grabbed by the arm

"and who might that be" he rose a brow questioning him

"My love life is none of  your business so don't interfere with some anchor"

He knew the marriage wasn't supposed to make the kingdom stronger it was already strong as is it's really just to chain the boy down.

His father was furious chasing his son around the kingdom with guards on his tail.


"where is he, he's never this late" the older male floated on his  board waiting for Mingi

he swam to the edge ready to get out when he heard splashing 

"Hongjoong i have no time the guards are on their way to get me"

he rushed 

"why, what happened"

"i have to marry some mermaid but i don't want to" he cried into Hongjoongs shoulder 

"Why" he asked cupping the boys cheek 

"Mingi what are you doing with this filthy land walker" his father bellowed anger in his veins

 "he's not filthy you are"he snapped then turned back to Joong 

"Joong I love you, I loved you since the first time we met and i'll always love you"Mingi smiled tears forming

"i love you too i wasn't going to say anything thinking you didn't feel the same" Hongjoong brushed his thumb against Mingi's cheek.

Before they got closer his father ordered them to seize Mingi but Seonghwa got in the guards way stalling for more time for the couple 

Hongjoong pulled Mingi into a deep kiss as their audience watches in awe from the glowing light emitting from Mingi they watched as the boys tail slowly turned into a pair of legs.

"Help" Mingi groaned as he held onto Hongjoong for support 

"Sorry father but i don't think i'll be coming home today or ever " he looked at Joong then back at his father 

"Fine then go live with the rest of those vermin " He spat  swimming off with the guards

"Will you visit Minnie" Seonghwa had tears in his eyes.

Mingi nodded telling he'd visit as much as he can.

"so are you gonna help me walk or what " he giggles 

"you're gonna have to puts some clothes on for a start "he brought the boy into his arms holding him close.

~The End~


sorry if the story feels rushed hehe 😅😳😣but hope you liked it😚💙.

been thinking about writing angst or smut cuz i have ideas.


♡HongGi-MingJoong♡||oneshots||Where stories live. Discover now