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"Come on if we don't hurry we'll miss it" Hongjoong spoke urgently pushing his brother out onto his balcony not wanting to miss the meteor shower that was said to happen tonight.

"watch out for my telescope" he warned 

after a few hours waiting his brother was becoming  tired

"joong are you sure there was going to be one today" he asked standing 

"i was positive there was gonna be a meteor shower" he mumbled staring at the night sky

"well,  i'm gonna go sleep sorry joong" he ruffled his hair going to his bedroom

Leaving the boy to watch the night sky by himself.

After a while of waiting he finally gave up Hongjoong picked up his pillows and blankets disappointed that he'd gotten the timing of the shower wrong  when he thought it was for sure going to be tonight .

"why the long face star boy" HongJoong's neighbor questioned 

"would you quit calling me that Mingi" he said annoyed at the moment while 

Mingi is Hongjoongs long time neighbor and also his long time pain in the ass with all the shit he pulls always teasing him with the nickname star boy because of his love for astronomy.

"let me guess you didn't see the meteor shower" he chuckled knowing he was right

"How'd you know" Hongjoong confused as to how he knew

"You're very talkative when it comes to things like that"

Hongjoong flushed knowing Mingi actually listens to him while chattering non-stop.
He looked over to say something in response but Mingi wasn't outside anymore so he went back to moping shuffling collecting items his head perks up as he hears panting his eyes turned to Mingi as he caught his breath.

"Come over star boy" He said

"No thanks"He quickly declined

" Just for a couple minutes please it'll be so worth it" Mingi begged his torso hanging over the railing.

"Ugh, fine but if I get caught sneaking out I'm dragging you down with me" He groaned

With that Hongjoong slipped his hoodie and shoes on before carefully opening his front door and closing it, he quietly jogged over to Mingi's house where he was waiting out front for him.

"so how is this worth sneaking out" he questioned

"just follow me alright and try to keep quiet"  he whispered heading up the stairs to his room.

Hongjoong's face collides with Mingi's back as he'd just stopped in front of his bedroom door.

"ow, why'd you stop" Hongjoong winced rubbing his nose

"i know you couldn't see the meteor shower tonight so..."

He opened his door to his room, it left Hongjoong speechless as no one has ever done anything like this for him. Mingi's room was rearranged  with a space in the middle of it cleared with only a few blankets and pillows laid out he'd also set up his mini projector facing his ceiling which displayed a meteor shower.

"wow, Mingi this is just amazing" his eyes sparkled in awe

He gave Mingi a hug that caught him off guard but he hugged back after a couple seconds feeling a tingling warmth come over himself.


Mingi and Hongjoong both laid under the projection peacefully in the comfortable silence of the night but out of the blue the silence had be broken.

" I have feelings for you star boy"

Hongjoong was dumbfounded but slowly processed that Mingi had just straight up confessed to him this caused him to have a minor malfunction.

"are you alright your whole face is red" he asked concerned 

"yeah, it's just that i didn't think anyone would have feelings for me" he stuttered shifting his head to see Mingi staring at him.

They get lost in each others eyes a relaxing presence surrounding them 

"May i kiss you" Hongjoong blurted out

Their heads move closer the space between them diminishing by the second.

"be my star boy"

"i'd love that" he quietly giggled

The two shared a sweet kiss savoring every second of it until Mingi pulls away.

"this was worth sneaking out"


Thanks for reading it's  been probably a few weeks maybe since i last updated

so here's this hope you enjoyed and sorry for any mistakes. sorry if it's rushed lol.💚💚💚

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